The visit.

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Neshawn opened the door and held it open for me and jiji. Jiji went in first and went over to the edge of nidals bed. I followed behind her. I went over to look at nidal and immediately started tearing up. To see the condition he's in is heartbreaking. He's on breathing tubes, has a neck brace on, his leg is all wrapped up, and has many IVs. Neshawn came over and stood on the other side and didn't show it, but started tearing up. Jiji took a picture of her holding his hand and when I was holding his hand she snuck a picture to update her instagram. After about 10 minutes, we left the room and walked back in silence. We got back to the waiting area then juju and Ella went. I just put my AirPods in and listened to music and fell asleep. I woke up 3 hours later. Apparently mom and dad were with nidal again, talking to doctors. Everyone else was still in the waiting area. I said "I'm going to the bathroom" Ella said "yes I'm going too." I stood up and grabbed my crutches and me and Ella started walking over. Ella asked me "how your knee feeling nat?" "eh okay I guess." we got to the bathroom and I went into a stall. I set my crutches up against the wall and went to the bathroom. I finished and I stood up, grabbed my crutches and walked out of the stall. I went over to the sink to wash my hands and Ella walked out of a stall. She asked me "you hungry?" "yea" "let's go ask them they want anything from chick fa la and me and juju can go get it." "alright." We walked back out the the waiting area and asked anyone if they wanted chick fa la. They all said yes and told Ella was they wanted and her and juju went to pick it up. About 20 minutes later they came back with food. They gave us our food and we started eating. I finished eating, then our parents came back out. mom said "the doctors said they don't know when he's gonna wake up. Tomorrow he gets surgery on his leg."
it was about 7:30 that night and we all fell asleep except my dad.

Nidal gets surgery on his leg today, so we can't visit him. It was a very boring day of watching TikTok and sleeping.

The next day was just a day full of visiting Nidal, watching TikTok, sleeping, and a call from Salish. "hey Nat how's Nidal doing?" "still asleep. he got surgey on his leg yesterday." we talked for a bit then I finally said "alright, I'll update you when something changes. bye!" then I fell asleep.

The next day was boring until 3:23 this afternoon, the doctor came out.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺Where stories live. Discover now