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Camila's POV

I walked into the hotel room where the little get together would be going on. I was late so everyone was already here. Taylor was here and she even changed.

I sat far away from Taylor because I was kinda mad at her but I really don't have the right to be mad because we aren't even dating. I'm just confused about what's going on between us. I hate mixed signals.

My classmate Wayne came to talk to me. "Hey, why aren't with your Mrs" he said teasing me. Wayne and Sam kinda have something going on. Him and I became friends so I can tell him these things.

"I don't know. She with Paige" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Don't pay too much mind to it. We all know Taylor's kinda a player so be careful babes" he said side hugging me.

"Let's play truth or dare!!" A random girl yelled making all of us joined a circle. The game began as people started doing crazy dares and telling stupid truths.

"Camila truth or dare?" A girl asked me, I thought about it for a second. "Dare" I said making her smirk. "I dare you to kiss anyone here" she said. I looked around. Taylor kept eye contact with me.

I crawled to Taylor and kissed her. Everyone started cheering. I pulled back and sat in my original spot. Paige looked pissed. "Ok Paige truth or dare?" Paige's friend asked paige. She smiled "truth".

"Did you hook up with Taylor yesterday ?" Her friend asked her. "Yes" she said blushing. They know what they're doing. She did this on purpose.

"Do you wanna leave" Wayne whispered in my ear after a few more rounds. "Guys camy feels sick so she's going to rest before our flight" Wayne said for me. I smiled at him before saying goodbye to everyone. Taylor kept her eyes on me as I left.

I went back to the hotel room. I changed into leggings and a hoodie. I need to be comfortable. I wore socks because I was about to take a fucking nap after the shit that just happened.

Taylor kissed me. She led me on and now all of a sudden she slept with Paige. I thought she liked me. Did she just want to sleep with me? What the fucking hell. I hate this I'm so mad. I just laid on the bed and went to sleep.

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