→ birthdays and balloons

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Joe's PoV:
I plopped down on the extremely comfortable couch next to Caspar, excited about tomorrow. "Joseph! It's my birthday tomorrow!" He enthusiastically yelled, "I know!" I mocked before giggling. Something random was on the telly although neither of us was watching, we were to busy staring into each other's eyes. "You're beautiful," Caspar launched his arms around my waist and buried his head in my stomach causing me to giggle. It's difficult to laugh when you have your boyfriend squeezing the air out of you, I had just discovered. "C-Capsy! G-Get off of me-e!" I screech in laughter as he repeatedly tickled my sides. "Fine." He sat up and crossed his arms pouting like a child "Oh no no, I love you Caspy. Lots and lots," I said like a mother would if their child was upset. While speaking I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. "This isn't right." His voice was serious and I became panicked, he pushed my arms off him. "W-What?" I sounded as if I was about to cry...which I probably would. But instead, he wrapped his arms around me "This is how it's supposed to be.." All my worry suddenly flew away and I fell asleep in the comforting arms of my lover. "G'night Caspy," I whispered, "Night night Jojo." He whispered back. God my life is perfect.

I slept for 20 minutes then got up to set up a surprise. I had to be quiet otherwise I would wake Caspar up, I slide on my jacket and shoes and make my way out the door. My teeth shatter together as the cold air hits my body like a wall, then to warm my self up I ran to my car jumping in. I rubbed my hands together and blew my warm breath into them in hope for warmth, then I shove the keys into the car and begin driving. "Hold onto my heart..." I sang along with the radio completely out of tune as normal, I can't drive and sing with full effort 

I arrived at my destination. A beautiful garden I had rented for the occasion also where me and Caspar first meet, I remember everything. Although it wasn't how you'd expect to meet your future boyfriend, I wouldn't change it for anything.


I run. I didn't care where. As long as it was away from here. Tears blurred my vision and all I could see what blurred dots of brightness from the lights of the lamppost. While not being able to see, I ran into a tall hard figure and fell on my ass. "I-I'm sorry." I wept not being able to get up, I just laid on the floor arms covering my face sobbing into the ground. "Hey. You alright?" The unknown person bent down stroking my back. I instantly flinched away crawling backwards away from this figure. "A-Are you one of them? If so o-please don't hurt m-me?" Then I collapsed onto the floor again with the weakness of my body. "No no no. I'm not gonna hurt you. Come with me, I promise to look after you."

present day

I smiled at the moment. Giggling at my unawareness of what happens in the future, it's amazing what a couple of months can do to you. Then I took a minute to picture the placement of everything in my mind. Once my mind had a perfect idea, I strolled back to the car opening the back and struggling to pick up the massive heavy box. I stumbled back to the garden and began putting things up. Which, may I add, is fairly hard when you're my height.

three hours later

I was currently hanging previous pictures of Caspar. I smiled when I noticed a couple of me in. One of me and Caspar at prom, graduating, moving in together etc.

I checked the time on my phone it read 3:49. Still had enough time to perfect. I checked I had made this area the best it could possibly be before making a few alterations, then I couldn't make it any better. It was now 4:03 and I began making my way home. I locked the gate and took the empty box back to my putting it into the position it was before I touched it. I climbed in the seat closing my eyes and leaning against the back of the chair. This was hard work.

My eyes snapped open. I hadn't realised I'd been sleeping until now. "Damn it!" I yelled at myself while starting up the car. The sound of the radio filled the car and the time flashed up of the front. 5:31. Oh, shit. I drove maybe over the speed limit in some areas but I still got home in time to see Caspy awake. 5:40.

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