Crashing and Comas

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"I love you baby." Caspar leaned over and kiss my cheek, I blushed, not knowing how to reply except "I love you too, but keep your eyes on the freaking road I don't exactly want to die." I laughed although I didn't just mean it as a joke. "But I can't keep my eyes off you." Caspar glazed over every so often "Contain your self Caspar." "But I-" "Caspar! Watch where your fucking going!" I playfully smacked his cheek to look at the road. "Well I wish you didn't wear those skinny jeans it might have been a little easier to concentrate." "Oh shut up." "You love me." "No I don't." "You loveeeeeee me." He started to tickle my armpits "CASPAR-!" Blackout.
My eyes opened to Caspar above me pressing his hands repeatedly to my chest "Joe! Joe! Oh my god!" He hugged my tightly as I coughed. I heard the sirens which rang in my ears as they faded in volume and my eyes shut. The warmth of Caspar's hands were suddenly gone as he ran over to them as quick at he could. I tried to stand, placing my hands on the floor and steadied my legs. I felt like I was on a balance beam as I had to throw Out my arms to stay balanced. "Caspar..." My vision blurred the sound faded all I could hear was the ringing in the ears from where I fell out the car. Soon enough my legs gave out again and my head smacked against the concrete floor blackout.
"Caspar! Where's Caspar?!" I yelled at Zoë, I was in a plain hospital room with my sister sitting in the visitors seat "Joe calm down-" "No! No! How would you feel if it where you in my position and you didn't know where Alfie was?!" My voice was hoarse and breaking, my eyes stung and craved sleep. She started crying "Caspar was here waiting for you to wake, and when you didn't, he left, got in his mums car and drove himself of the bridge. You've been in a coma for 2 weeks."

I couldn't stop the crying, I broke down crying out what seemed to be every emotion I ever felt for him. And I - slept though it all. "-C-Caspar- No- No-Caspy- Caspar!" I sobbed uncontrollably. "Your awake." Joe snapped his head to a rather familiar South-African voice. Caspar sat in the chair by the door with his arms and legs crossed "Caspar?" I asked confused "Your dead?" "I am. After 10 days of waiting for you to wake, I became reckless, thinking you were just as dead as I was supposed to be. So I drove a car of the bridge and didn't care what I was doing." In the distance he could hear Zoë shouting at him to tell her what was going on "H-How can I see you?" I asked worried if I had finally lost it and was going crazy. "It must have been when you hit your head. It's given you some sort of vision of the dead shit." Putting the pieces together I coughed but still thought. "But Joe. You should die. You did this to me. You made me kill myself you deserve to die and painfully. You were selfish you were the reason your parents died as well and if you are still alive... You'll be the meaning of Zoë's death aswell. You killed Caspar Lee and soon to be Zoella just imagine how many of fans you've lost and hate you.."

3rd person

When Joe hit his head, it made him see things. That ghost wasn't really Caspar. It was Joe's mind playing tricks on him, making him think one of the people he loved most was mentally abusing him. It was Joe's demon, an evil demon living in Joe's head but in Caspar's shape and form. That demon never left. Joe always thought it was Caspar's spirit and he believe every word the demon spoke. When he called him worthless, weak and ugly - Joe believed. When he told him to cut himself - Joe did. When he told Joe to commit suicide - Joe did.

My dramatic stuff has come back whoops. But I'm working on lots of requests fn including a 'sick Joe' one which you all seem to want so bare with me as I finish it and I'll have it up ASAP. 👍🏻

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