Returning and Ruining (P2)

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WARNINGS: Sadness?
Caspar walked out the hospital. They just cut the cord. They just ended a life. Joe's life. They told him he was to weak to live and wouldn't make it though so they ended his suffering. He knew it had to be done as Joe was in a coma for months since the accident happened he just couldn't come to terms of accepting it. He kept walking. Until he was tired and pulled him self over to the park beside his route to anywhere and sat on a swing. Only then did he acknowledge the fact that the sky was pouring down rain. It was like a movie. Oh how he wished it was just a movie but no matter how hard he wished it couldn't bring Joe back. Nothing could bring Joe back.

He slightly rocked the swing back and forth not so his feet left the ground, but just enough to swap from his heels to his toes repeatedly. He pulled up the hood of his jumper while lifting his gaze to a huge tree a couple of metres away.

The sun shone so beautifully on to The tree. The leaves blocking out certain areas of light as Joe giggled adorably at Caspar's 'unneeded' joke. He fell onto his back because of the laugher he was causing. Caspar had his hand on the picnic blanket and resting his head close to his shoulder as he just let out a small laugh.

He remembered that day like the back of his own hand. The two had a picnic and the weather was perfect, absolutely perfect. He then turned his head towards the monkey bars.

"Be carful." Caspar warned at Joe climbed up the monkey bars. "Casparrrrr I'm not a child" Joe moaned "doesn't mean I can't worry about you" the blonde boy walked underneath in case his lover fell. Instead of using the attraction properly, Joe climbed on the top, he ended up laying on the monkey bars on his stomach he reached his arms down through the gap. Joe's hands pulled Caspar's face towards his and kissed him.

Caspar remembered his first kiss as if it were the most important thing to remember ever. He closed his eyes slowly facing the floor. When he opened them Joe was standing there. "Joe..." Caspar was curious but the smaller figure put his finders on Caspar's lips and pointed to the slide then he disappeared. It was just his imagination. He then looked at the slide imaginary Joe pointed to.

"Wait at the bottom!" Joe screeched at he climbed the ladder of the slide. Caspar did as he wished. Joe stood at the top of the slide about to sit but his lace got trapped under his other foot. He gasped as Caspar quickly grabbed waist when he was mid-way falling. It took a minute to take in what happened but Joe smiled and kissed the others lips while wrapping his legs around Caspar's waist. "Always and Forever." Joe whispered as he pulled away.

Caspar got a text from Theodora:
Hope your okay. You better be inside in this weather, otherwise you'll get sick. Love you lots xxx

He put his phone away and stood up making his way back to the path. Caspar turned around one more time and looked the park in the pouring rain. All of the memories began playing all at once. He smiled to himself "Always and Forever."

This was just to tell you I'm still alive -Soph 🌸🍃

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