Picnics and Panick attacks

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Caspars PoV:
Me, Joe, Janya, Narcus and Zalfie were all going out for a picnic next to ours. I couldn't wait. Today Joe promised me that we could now we can show our affection publicly. He was nervous of what people would think of him therefore he didn't want everyone to know just yet, but then I ensured him everything was okay and he agreed he would finally do it.

Knock. Knock.

I run to the door so excited I feel like I might puke. I wonder who will be here first? "Zalfie!" I greet "Jasp-Caspar!" Alfie realised Joe wasn't next to me like normal. "Where's Joe?" Zoe asked "down stairs getting ready." I smiled. "I'm going to greet my brother so you to have a chat." She squeezed passed me yelling Joe's nickname she made for him ever since he was little, a combination of the words 'Brother' and 'Joseph' to create 'Broseph'.

I sit in the couch while Alfie sits on the other. "How are you?" He questions "I'm great! Joe is finally allowing us to become public! Today we are going to kiss and cuddle in front of everybody!" I cheered "Wow. That's great Casp." He chuckled at my enthusiasm "How about you?" I asked back "Yeah me and Zoe have been worrying about our videos for tomorrow. You got any ideas?" He seems stressed "How about we do 8 fun collabs for each of our channels today. I mean it sounds a lot but it'll be so fun even better in the park!" "Great idea Casp."


I got up from my seat and went to fetch the door. Who now? Janya? Narcus? "Janya!" I greeted exactly the same why as I welcomed Zalfie "Casp!" They yelled in perfect sync. "Come in!" I gestured them into the Jaspar household as they slipped of they're shoes. Jim sat on the couch I was previously on "Where's the Sugg siblings?" Tanya asked "Down stairs." I tilted my head towards the staircase while speaking. She smiled and ran down stairs on her toes. "Where are the cute little suggys!" We heard her screech causing us to laugh. "Okay let's get a bit of vlogging done.." Alfie suggested "wow your such a daily vlogger."  I complained jokingly "Guys we all know Joe's more of a daily vlogger then me!" Alfie argued back "True." Jim agreed. I finally spoke up "Don't say that about my JoJo!" I told them off for a laugh.. We were interrupted by screams and Joe calling for help. All of us jumped up and ran down stairs, it was our duty to keep our love safe, both gay and straight. When we opened the door to our surprise.. Nothing was wrong they were just all chasing Joe around with makeup products soon all of us were laughing. "We left you for about 5 minutes and your already tynna put makeup on Joe!" Jim burst out laughing after his sentence "we are still waiting for Niomi with her foundation to put on Joe!" Zoe giggled causing more laughter. "DING DONG!" We all hear Marcus yelling from out side the house which is surprising, "MARKY BUTT BUTT!" Alfie cheered running up stairs to allow Marcus and Niomi in, everyone else following shortly behind. "Ayyyyeeeee!" Marcus entered with Niomi linked onto his arm lovingly "we have some good news for you!" Niomi smiled looking at Marcus waiting for him to speak up "Niomi is pregnant with our little combination of us." It took a while to realise what he actually said but then everyone cheer and congratulated them. Me and Joe went up to Narcus "Oh my goodness you know how much I love babas." Joe hugged Niomi and when he hugged Marcus, Marcus bent down so he could actually reach. I chuckled at the height difference between everyone I had noticed that me, Jim, Marcus and Alfie were really tall and Tanya, Niomi, Zoe and Joe were all short, but that was cute. "Alright, we're all getting into Jim and Tanya's 7 setter car is that right?" Zoe asked "Yes we are." Tanya put her thumbs up "Well everyone's here so... Let's go!" JoJo cheered happily.

At the car--

Jim was in the drivers seat with Tanya in the passenger seat. Alfie sat in the middle right next to the window with Zoe in the middle. Joe sat on my lap as there was no spare seats for him, we sat in the middle left. Lastly, in the back sat Marcus on the left and Niomi on the back and then off we went.

The car journey seemed short as everyone was singing along to One Direction on the radio even Joe. God his voice is like a million Angels. We all got out agreeing that everyone had to take 1 item for it to be fair, considering we are all basically children. Tanya took the first basket Niomi took the second, Marcus took the blankets, Jim took Martha, Alfie took Nala, Zoe took the pillows (is it just me who takes pillows on a picnic??), and well.... I took Joe.. As in I carried him on my back I mean it was only fair!

We set up and began eating. After eating we were all chatting, chatting until there was no energy left in us. Joe's head was currently resting a pillow on my lap and laying his head on it, I rubbed the words 'I love you' with my fingers into his back but he probably just thought it was random patterns "Who do you think Niomi's baby will look like most? Like outta us?" Tanya asked "If the baby's cute I reckon they're gonna look like Joe." I complimented everyone 'awhhhhhed'. I kissed his lips. "I love you." I whispered so quietly others would have thought I wasn't saying anything. Suddenly, a ball flew into the scene and hit Joe in the face, I knew it was an accident but the sight was truly painful for me to watch. A boy in his teenage years came running over to us but not even looking at anyone. He collected the ball from behind Niomi "very sorr- hey!   Jimmy! Come look at this!" He stared at us and laughed. "What?!" His mate, supposedly called Jimmy, called running over to stand next to the first boy.
They burst out laughing "Fags!!" (HATE THE WORD) Jimmy breathed out taking a picture. Joe stood up and ran off not being able to stand the words "Awh go after him. After all your appearance will never be the same with this picture on my POPULAR Instagram, Twitter and Facebook" the first boy spoke. "Well we have just under 35 million fans we could ruin you forever!" Zoe stood up crossing her arms "Right of course." One replied "no no no mate that's Zoella...omg... And your pointless blog, Tanya Burr, Marcus Butler and..." He looked in the direction Joe went in "that was ThatcherJoe." He deleted the picture proving it to us before running away his mate following. "That will teach them." Zoe snickered she then ran after her brother not knowing where he went.

"Hey Cas it's okay, no one got physically hurt and we-" "If we weren't famous your probably still being doing this to us." I interrupted standing up and running in the direction of the Sugg siblings. "Zoe?! Joe?!" I yelled  "Over here Caspar!" The female voice yells with the faint sound of crying on the back ground. When I turned a corner of a tree I saw Joe crying on his sisters shoulder, both sitting on the floor. "Panic Attack" Zoe mouthed the words to me as she rubbed his back and played with his hair. When he sat back the sight was enough to brake anyone's heart: tears in his blue/now red eyes, red cheeks of wiping away tears, body jerking slightly as he breathed to try and get his breath in control. "You love me and I love you, that's all that matters right now." I say sitting next to Joe "I-I-" "shh..." I interrupted for the 2nd time today "You don't need to say anything." I whispered "because I have you and you have me."

Fuck Jimmy and his mate 😊🔪

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