Moving and Mornings

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"Joe I have something to tell you.." Caspar nervously scratched the back of his neck, fighting the desperate urge to burst out with tears "I'm moving out." The amount of times he'd practiced saying this to himself in the mirror didn't seem to matter because no matter how many time he said it, he could never really face the fact actually leaving Joe.

"W-Wha-" Joe stared back in disbelief, his tears already falling as Caspar knew he wasn't good at keeping his emotions to himself. "Is this a joke?!" He half laughed still crying hysterically, his heart broke, he didn't want this to happen. Caspar looked down as Joe asked hopefully, he wished this was a joke, he wanted to laugh along with Joe in their apartment about this. But then he'd be lying and he couldn't lie to Joe. His Joe.

Joe understood why Caspar gave no response, he didn't want to say it out loud nor did he want to say it at all. "But Caspar! I don't think I can live without you!" The smaller boy stuttered choking on his tears desperately trying to manage his breathing. "I don't want to leave either." Caspar enveloped Joe into his warms arms, feeling him tearfully tremble and hiccup underneath his tight grip. "I thought- you wanted to be with me." Joe spoke bluntly staring at the wall behind Caspar completely avoiding eye contact. "-and I do!" Caspar exclaimed grabbing onto his smaller hands while staring into his beautiful right eyes "And that's why I'm doing this..." He spoke out of the blue. "Wha-?"

"Joseph Sugg," Caspar got down on to one knee as the other boy gasped in shock. Was he honestly proposing?!
"I promise you when my family let me move back I will love you and marry you and hopefully even have kids with you. This is not a proposal. But a promise ring. I didn't want to propose knowing that I wouldn't be able to live with my fiancé. While I'm away, take it as a holiday. A little break to yourself. We are just grabbing a little air. Okay?" My voice broke. "When we are together again, then I will propose, we can do what ever we want. But now; mum wants me home, Theo needs me, Max misses me etc. It's all falling apart back with my family-" "If you leave then I'll fall apart!" Joe interrupted unable to even walk without falling due to the dizziness of the spilled tears. "Then I'll be on that plane first thing back to fix you." Caspar slid the ring delicately on his finger and stood up kissing him for his other to be quiet. Once I pulled away, Joe just stood there bluntly however tears still falling down. "What am I suppose to do without you?" He mumbled "What ever you desire. You can blast out those stupid Justin Bieber songs that I hate, you can spend your money on shoes without me yelling at you, you can sleep in until 1pm without me commenting about it, you don't have to worry about me using your shower, you don't have to worry about me pranking you physically, you don't have to worry Joe." The blonde listed as a slight giggle leaked from Joes soft lips. Caspar copied the action and grabbed his hand "It's not a goodbye. It's a see ya later." Stroking his soft hand, I laughed again. Their hands slowly drifted apart and Caspar picked up my bags from the top of the stairs and opened the doors of the house. Whilst he walked out to the taxi which was to take him to the airport, Caspar realized that he and Joe we're going to be okay. No matter how many times he had practiced repeatedly in the mirror, they were going to be okay. Caspar's bags flew in the back of the shiny black car and he climbed in the cab, but just as he was about to shut the door he heard "Hey Caspar." Joe spoke from the door, in his adorable little pajama top and shorts making him look even smaller then before. "Yes Joe?" He asked, watching the sun reflect on his beautiful face. "See ya later." Joe spoke normally, no sign of pain nor sadness. It was just general. "See ya later Joe." The blonde smiled back shutting the door watching Joe as he faded away into the streets of London. Caspar sighed and smiled when he was just staring at the white car behind him, his mind wondered of to when he would see him again. Oh he couldn't wait until he was to see him again. He would wait forever to see his little Joe again.


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