Hunger and Heat

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A/N: this is about type 1 diabetes. please may I ask for no unappreciated comments on this as its a condition I have.. And it sucks. It really does. However feel free to ask questions I would be happy to answer them.

Joe was type 1 diabetic. Caspar didn't know. Before a meal he would secretly do his injection under the table and avoid people finding out at all costs. God, not even his own parents knew. Only his doctors and his older sister, Zoë. When ever Zoë was around she distracted everyone while Joe would sneak in an injection or check his sugar levels. Although she helped Joe, she begged him to tell at least Caspar.

The boy hated it. He wondered if it were worth it. If one day, he didn't eat, he could have hypoglycemia, slip into a coma and if he's unlucky he could die. The fear constantly flew through his mind. He was scared. (Hypoglycemia (hypo) : low blood sugar levels)

Joe has been so close to telling Caspar numerous times but always found away to get himself out of it. He wanted Caspar to know. But he didn't want him to worry about him. If he told him then he was worried he might look at him differently.

"Joe come up for lunch!" Caspar yelled down the stairs in a cheery tone. Joe rose from his bed "One minute!" He answered, running into his bathroom while his arms scattered under the sink cabinet to find his insulin pen (displayed in the picture above). He twisted on the needle at a incredible speed being extra careful not to stab his fingers. He pulled his trousers down so they rested on his lower thigh and he dialed the units (the number thing on the bottom of the pen) up. He sucked in his breath and shoved he needle into he thigh, pressing the button as he felt the cold clear liquid inside of him. "Joe!" Caspar yelled again impatiently "Hang on a second!" He panicked pulling the needle out and disposing it in a neon yellow sharps bin which was also hidden in the cabinet. (Sharps bin: basically a needle bin)

"I'm coming!" He yelled taking the stairs two at a time. His tight jeans squeezed the bruises from the needles on his legs and he saw a slight bit of blood marking his jeans. He cursed under his breath but continued. "You call me up for lunch and you haven't even started making it?!" Joe laughs seeing Caspar getting the bread to make a sandwich "Yes-oh shit! Joe can to run to the shop and grab the butter. "Of course!" He nervously replied picking up his keys "Thank you baby." Caspar peppered kisses all over his face and left a longer one on his lips.

As Joe left, he found himself running. He couldn't be bothered to go though the stress of parking and traffic. (This is what Hypoglycemia feels like for me) Speeding down the road, the sun seemed hotter then before making Joe sweat and uncomfortable in his jumper and jeans. He began to feel faint. His hands shook furiously and he felt tearful. He wasn't upset. It was just a side affect. Although he was sad that this had to happen to him altogether.

He slowed down to catch his breath but he was still panting just to his state. With shaky hands, he picked up his phone instantly calling Caspar. He knew he had to face him at some point and he needed help before his sugar levels could drop any lower.

"Baby? Why are you calling me? I thought you were just going to get butter?" His voice echoed in his head and he found it difficult to reply. "C-Caspar. Please come and help me." he breathlessly cried falling onto his bum as his legs have out. "Where are you? What's wrong?! Joe?!" Joe expected a panicked Caspar as a reply but he didn't really want all this attention. "In front of the massive tree near the shopping centre. I'll explain when your here. But before you come go down into my bath room and in the cabinet under the sink and bring the gray thing and some jelly babies okay?" He nervously spoke though the phone.

About a minute and a half later Joe spots Caspar running towards him with exactly what he asked. The first thing Joe did was take the gray thing out of Caspar's hand and immediately opened it. He pricked his finger and it bleed, Caspar recognized what it was but couldn't really believe and understand why he was doing it. How did he hide it? With type 1 diabetes aren't you diagnosed as a child? For this long he hid it. He placed his blood into a monitor beeped and flashed as the number read: 3.1

Joe looked up at Caspar feeling hot and dizzy. "Baby. Your diabetic?" He bent down to Joe's level and hugged him "Why didn't you tell me?" Caspar asked still confused about how his boyfriend managed to keep something so big a secret from him. "I didn't think you had to know, I hate myself for it, I've always had myself under control, I didn't want you to worry about me... To treat me differently..." Joe mumbled quietly "I-I can't even begin to explain how shocked I am Joe." "I know! I know! And I'm sorry! I-I a-m-" He couldn't see anything things where beginning to fade into black "No. No no no no no!" He panicked he'd never had a hypo this bad before not to the fact where he's so close to slipping into a seizure.

Caspar's immediate reaction was to pick Joe up and take his home. Where he forced him to eat and explain everything to him as he did so. Caspar was angry at Joe for keeping it but he understood why Joe wanted to keep it so tried his best to support him in the best he can. Though sickness and in health.

Sorry, I actually can't explain how crap this was. I was feeling emotional when I wrote this and didn't really know what I was doing. Btw this is Diabetes from my point of view. AND BEFORE YOU LEAVE A MEAN COMMENT ABOUT ME BEING 'FAT' OR 'UNHEALTHY' THEN YOU ARE MISTAKEN THAT IS TYPE 2 (NOT THAT ALL TYPE 2 PATIENTS ARE FAT)

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