→ kneeling and knowing

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Caspar's PoV:
Today was the day. I was shaking like hell, but I knew the worst he could do was reject. Joe, the smaller boy still sleeping, had noticed my nervousness and questioned it but I'd always use the same excuse 'oh, I just nervous about what the fans will think when they find out we're dating'. it was all lies. I can't wait to tell everyone. The only reason we haven't was because Joe wasn't ready for everyone to know which was understandable so I don't constantly bug him about it.

I knew exactly how to do it, when to do it and more importantly why to do it. I'm doing it because I love Joe to pieces and feel like it's the right to finally take on the barriers. Receive a text from Zoe;
Joe loves you so much. No need to panic.

I reply with;
I know but I'm just worried it will ruin everything.

I worriedly tap my fingers against the table leaning against it as if to stop me from throwing up of panic. Repetitively, I go over my plan in my head, to ensure its perfect and will succeed. Halfway through re-thinking my plan for the 138th time, Joe unexpectedly arrives at the top of the stairs. Almost instantly, I shove all my nervousness into a suitcase and throw it out the door. "Morning JoJo!" My words came out full of excitement... Joe's bound to know something's going on now.

"Morning Caspy!" He replied with just the same enthusiasm, which surprised me considering he forced it. "I was wondering if you wanna go on a date with me tonight? I mean you've been working so hard JoJo, you deserve a break." I smiled, placing my hands on his hips and my lips on his neck "Of course Caspy! Dates with you is like spending time in heaven." Joe's sweet voice filled my ears making sigh in relief, my breath hitting his neck as he leaned back into my arms.

"I love you," I whispered "I love you Caspy." he quietly spoke. "Do you want breakfast?" He asked softly "When do I not?" I answered cockily causing him to giggle.
Joe flipped 4 pancakes 2 each. I did offer to make my own but Joe told me to remember the pizza... The pizza I cooked in a pan. Then I was like 'best not then...'

Once breakfast was served, Joe sat opposite me he was sat on the edge of his chair, feet crossed, toes touching the floor. Joe always sat like that, I found it cute. Suddenly my phone beeped and I hurriedly pulled it out of Joe's sight in case it revealed the secrets that were to be discovered later.
Another message from Zoe;
Come on Caspar wake up! Joe can't even reject you, he loves you more than anyone in the world!

I hope she's right. "Caspy?" I snap my head away from my phone to look at the smaller boy "don't be creeped out by this but... Do you want kids?" You could hear his voice tripping over itself "Of course, imagine a combination of us in one!" I smiled "Wow. If he or she has the looks of Caspar Lee I'm sure everyone will want to date him or her." This touched my heart. "Not without the personality of you. You have the kindest and sweetest personality ever." His cheeks processed into a darker shade than the natural colour of red.

Beep. Zoe again;

I hurriedly typed a simple quick reply;

Suddenly I shoved my phone in my pocket waiting for the signal... Beep. Joe's phone went off. He instantly questioned who was texting him, he might not have known... but I did.

"Zoe just asked for a sibling reunion and to meet her at the train station at 12." He looked up at me as if to ask for approval. "You can go," I spoke. "Damn it it's 11:45 gotta run. Love you Caspy. Don't go near anything at involves cooking bye!" He kissed my cheek before quickly sliding on his shoes and coat and heading out. Everything was going to plan.

Joe's PoV:

I walked toward the gates waiting for my sister to exit so we could have our sibling day. I miss having days like this with my sister. "Broseph!" Zoe dropped her bags and pulled me into a bear hug "Zoella!" I replied mocking her enthusiasm. "You ready for the greatest day ever?!" She asked picking up the bags she previously dropped. "Hell yeah, I am!" I fist pumped while speaking "Let's goooooooo!" We cheered in perfect sync, reviving some odd looks from the people passing in the process. Neither of us minded. We embarrass ourselves enough on camera.
It was 4 pm and Zoe and I had been out for 4 hours. We had: Gone to TopShop/TopMan, Got ice creams, had a nice lunch etc. We were currently sitting on the swings in a park chatting. I yawned. "You tired Broseph?" She asked "Just a bit." I effortlessly spoke, "well race you to the top of the tree!" She yelled clearly trying to wake me up yet I did so. We both ran towards the tree me and her leaping on it at the same time. Once I was higher then Zoe, I had only hurt realised how high I was... "Joe! Get down! Your way to high!" My older over-protective sibling shouted. I put my foot down on the branch below me only for it to snap as soon as my weight hit it. "JOE!" Zoe worriedly screamed, however, my hands gripped onto the branch which I was on previously yet my legs still dangle. "Zoe move out the way! I'm about to fall!" She didn't obey my request. "Zoe!" With that, my fingers slip bit making me almost fall. I knew Zoe wouldn't move. so I risked it. Instead of falling on Zoe, I threw myself towards the tree hitting an endless amount of branches on my travel down and finally landing no better at the floor.

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