Proms and Practise

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Joe's PoV:
I hate him. But I love him so much. Since the last week, he's been blowing me off whether it's going on a date or coming round to do homework. I swear he's cheating on me. He's been with Jamie more than me and it's not right.

I'm currently running away from Caspar because he's just ditched me once again. Looks like I'm not going to prom tomorrow. Tears fill my eyes as the cold air makes the tears sting, my vision turns into specials of blurred colours. Running up to my door, I pull out my keys and quickly open it as if Caspar's chasing me when I already know he's not. I don't even look behind me to check. Why would he chase after me? He didn't love me. My mind keeps constantly repeating 'Joe, he never loved you."

Maybe my mind was right. I slam the door behind me and run up to my room bawling my eyes out. Why? What would make him cheat on me? Am I not good enough? Too fat? Too ugly? I couldn't take this much longer. "Joe! What do you want for dinner?!" My sister, Zoe, shouted up the stairs "I'm not hungry!" I yelled down to her from my room. She didn't question me. The thing is I'm starving, I'm just trying to lose weight for Caspar. "You're not good enough," I spoke to myself. I hugged my pillow crying ever so quietly into it not wanting to bother anyone in the house. I looked at the neatly ironed suit across the room from me, hanging on my wardrobes handle.

My heart was physically painful. I don't know why. I couldn't breathe properly. Everything seemed to fall apart at that moment. I couldn't hold myself together and began breaking down. Falling off my bed and on to the ground, I clutched my hand to my chest with my face scrunching up in pain. Suddenly my vision became even more blurred and I gave in closing my eyes to the rapid sound of my heartbeat.

T H E  N E X T  M O R N I N G
My eyes slowly open adjusting to the light. I find myself in the exact spot where I left off. No one ever came into my room to check whether I was okay for whether I needed help, I just didn't matter. I pull myself up using the bed covers for support, suddenly a sharp pain struck through my body causing me to fall straight back down. "Joe! What are you doing up there?!" My dad yelled, "I'm just practising something dad!" It's not that I'm truly in so much pain I can't stand. Note the sarcasm. I pulled my school bag off my desk still on the floor. Dragging my body to the door, I pulled myself up at the handle pulling it down quickly and when it was open I fell into the bannisters that kept you from falling down the stairs on the other side. "Morning J-Joe?!" Zoe opened her bedroom door cutting herself off when she realised that I was crying.. I didn't know myself until then. "What happened to you?" She asked worriedly "I don't know..." I answered honestly my voice threatening to break during my sentence. "Tell me what you feel." She pulled me down to the ground so we both sat, backs against the bannister "I-It's like a really s-sharp pain- OW!" My hand over my heart I winced in pain. "I know what's wrong with you." She spoke simply "W-What?" I asked, was it fixable? "Heartbreak." She wrapped her arms around me "Who hurt you?"

A  C O U P L E  O F  H O U R S  L A T E R

First I had Maths. Which is okay because I'm good in the subject not to brag on anything. Caspar wasn't in any of my classes (mostly because I was smarter). So I was safe from the pain. Yet I'm still hurting terribly.

I dodged Caspar all break and lunch whenever he came close I would always quickly walk away and blend in with the crowd.

At the end of the day I walked out of school rushing to get home I just wanted to lay in my bed and try and sob out the pain. I swing open the door closing it behind me softly "Zoe?!" I yelled. No reply. Which is a good thing, therefore, she won't notice me crying my eyes out. I rush up the stairs pulling off my bag in the process, throwing it somewhere in my room as soon as I reach it. I fall on the bed face first as tears slipped from my eyes into the soft fabric of the pillows. Slowly falling asleep while water trails continue to roll down my cheeks.
"Joe!?" I awaken to "Hurry up and get the bloody door!" My sister yells. Quickly change into the clothes on my radiator; sweatpants and a tank top shortly after I carry on eating the half eaten ice cream which has surprisingly not melted yet. I open the door "hi." After speaking I finally look at the person. I instantly drop my ice cream back away. "Joe-" "Go away! Leave me alone!" I interrupted "Listen to me Jojo!" He yelled. My heart. The pain struck through me like I'd been bolted by lightning. I slide down the wall, hand clutching my chest. "Caspy- Just.. Go." Caspy. "Joe!" He runs towards me, I use my other had to keep his distance from me. "Joe? What's wrong?" He asks quietly "Heart-brake. It's heart-brake Caspar." Tears well up in my eyes falling slowly onto my shirt. "That's why I've come. To set things right. Joe. Jamie was teaching me how to dance for prom. For you. Joseph Sugg, will you go to prom with me?" His actions surprised me. "Yes. I will." My pain was slowly fading away...

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