Falling and Feeling

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Requested: @jasparaldc

I'm so sorry, recently I've been really focused on my sidemen books: runaway baby, sidemen one-shots and a couple of other cheeky like books I haven't announced yet but will be coming as soon as runaway baby is finished. I'm unsure on how many of them will be Jaspar because there are s many ships I've been planning

"Hey buddy!" Caspar yelled excitedly , patting Oli again on the back and sitting next to him. Joe's been feeling rather lonely in LA he feels like Caspar's not giving  him enough attention nor affection as his own boyfriend. He hates himself for being bitchy but he can't help but feel on his own this time. The distant chatter of them ran straight over Joe's head as his mind also ran of to thoughts of him in a life without Caspar filled his mind. They were horrible thoughts, the ones that are so bad that you can't exactly get rid of them, the ones that stick to your mind and turn your day into a day where you just sit there and worry. It's like a stain one that if you try to wash it it's still there on your clothes even if you change what you wash it with.

Unexpectedly, a stay tear slipped from Joe's eye and he quickly wiped it before either of the boys noticed... Let's face it neither of the boys would care nor would they even look in Joe's direction to he if he was okay. Joe wanted to cry out loud and he felt like he needed to sniffle so he walked casually outside to the pool and look at his reflection in the water, his tears leaving ripples and made his face blur. He couldn't even look at his own face. His hand hit the water killing his reflection as he walked away. Joe had been keeping it strong for just over a week now and he's gone far past his breaking point. A broken sob escaped his lips as he heard the door slide open he scurried away not wanting neither of the boys to see him in his state. Seeing his only exit... The roof. He threw sprinted up the steep hill and silently onto the roof. Tears slipped down uncontrollably as he covering his mouth with his hand.

"Joe?" He heard Caspar yell, he desperately wanted to tell him he was here but he honestly didn't want to see Caspar's face at the moment. "JOE?!" He shouted louder up the hill, in hope his boyfriend just didn't hear him instead of ignoring him.

Caspar had searched the hills but not the roof "Joe I'm getting tired now!" The wind blew stronger and the colder it got. However, the biggest gush of wind passed Joe and blowing off his cap in a second. His immediate and automatic reaction was to run after it to preventing it from falling onto the ground which would give away where he was hiding. As it almost flew over Joe caught it... but as he fought to stand straight on the edge of the building he let out a whimper of shock. Caspar snapped his head towards the sound in which he knew Joe made and he saw him on the roof as he quickly ran below him holding his arms out because he knew he was defiantly going to fall. As Joe's feet suddenly did loose the roof, he almost hit his head nearly leaving a fresh cut on his forehead against the walls however he avoided this luckily. Joe felt relieved when he felt his boyfriends familiar strong arms around him. He hadn't felt Caspar's arms in a while, he didn't cuddle him much on the holiday and when Joe felt them he finally felt at home.

"Oh my goodness Joe!" Caspar exclaimed "Why was you ignoring me?" Hurt laced throughout his voice "Have you ever heard the saying 'treat people the way they treat you'?" Joe sighed. Only just now was when Caspar realized he had been ignoring Joe. When Joe was talking to him but he just started speaking to Oli, When Joe sent him a text message but didn't reply because he was to busy filming with Oli, Going out without telling Joe and leaving him at home alone  and he hadn't cuddled his boyfriend in ages. A pang of guilt struck though him like being stabbed in the heart, poor Joe he thought. "Listen baby-" Caspar was cut off "I feel like Oli is replacing me. I feel scared Caspar. That you won't be in love with me anymore. That everyday for the rest of my life will be watching you and Oli from the sidelines. And that to me sounds like a really really horrible life for me." Joe croaked out burying his hands in his face to cover it. Capsar felt everything brake inside of him as he really did owe Joe an apology and a damn good excuse to why. Thankfully, he did have an excuse. "Joe, look at me," he stated, caressing his cheek softly. "I'm so so so sorry for not paying attention to you baby boy. He was helping me with something that I just couldn't tell you about. It was very important-" "Caspar what the hell could be so important that it literally dragged you away from me completely?" Caspar sighed in defeat and placed the small boy back upon his feet. "This." He stated bluntly before kneeling in front of him and fumbling his hand in his pocket. "Joseph Sugg, you stumbled into my life in the most unexpected and unplanned away possible. You came in fucked up my thoughts so all they did was think of you. You made feel a load of feelings like I'd never felt for anyone else just like that and success then I knew this moment would happen eventually.... Joe, if you have patience with me, will you marry me?" Caspar spoke, smirking at his boyfriends expression. Joe's jaw was dropped and his eyes went wide.

"Y-Yes! Yes Capsar!"

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