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All throughout work, it hurt to walk. It hurt to stand, and I was at the register with Paige. With all the new Summer products we just got it, the store was packed. Both lines were long and the more I stood, the more soreness and pain I felt.

"Girls, take a lunch break." Christopher tells Paige and I.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Paige comments. After our last customers, we both clock out and switch with the cashiers. I head to the back room and collect my wallet and phone and head out the shop with Paige. The rain cleared up and it was a nice windy day. My cardigan kept me warm as we walked down to Noodles and Company, our usual lunch break meal.

"Hey," Paige calls to me, "what's the matter with you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"You're walking, I don't know, kind of funny."

"Funny? Funny how?"

"Jasmine, you are practically limping. What happened to you?"

"Oh, that. I fell last night at Shawn's place. It's nothing to worry about." I tell her as we arrive at the restaurant. "Just get me my usual. I'll grab us a table." I tell Paige, handing her some money. I walk as straight as I can and sit down in a booth.

The pain subsides for a moment as I sit down on the soft padding. I take out my phone and check all my notifications. Five minutes later, Paige comes to the table with the food. I quickly put my hair in a bun and grab my fork, ready to eat my pasta.

"How'd you fall last night?" Paige asks me. She takes a forkful of her pasta and eats, waiting for my answer. It never occurred to me that Paige would actually ask me how I "fell". I'll have to give her whatever pops up in my mind.

"Shawn was, uhm, chasing me." I tell her. "And as I turned a corner, I slipped and fell on my butt."

"Really?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Then what the hell is that on your neck?" She asks me, pointing at my neck with her fork.

"What's what on my neck?"

Paige leans over the table and squints at whatever it is that's on my neck. Her eyes go wide about a few seconds later. "Jasmine," she begins in a serious tone, "what did Shawn do to you last night?"

"Nothing, why?" I ask, covering up my neck with my hand.

"I will go to the police with this if you don't tell me what he did to you."

"You're not making any sense, Paige."

"Did he choke you? Is that it? Did he push you on the floor? Is that why you're hurting?"

"Paige, what are you talking about?"

"That's it. Come on, take that to go. We're gonna pay your boyfriend a little visit."
Paige exits her car in a hurry and runs to the gym doors. I hastily get out and rush to her, even though it hurts. "Paige, wait!"

"Hi, I'm looking for Shawn." Paige tells a receptionist. The interior of the gym is really nice and clean. People are working out and talking, and some are just sitting down and eating.

"He's in the back training. Im afraid I can't let you in." The receptionist tells Paige.

"This is an emergency. I'm his girlfriend, Jasmine." Paige lies to the receptionist.

"Oh, you're Jasmine? Open that door on the left and just keep walking straight." She tells us, pouting the way with her pen.

"Thank you." Paige smiles. She grabs my hand and leads me to the door. She opens it and walks down the hall with me. "I cannot believe we are doing this. Your first relationship and he hit you?"

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now