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After breakfast - which was waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage - Shawn and I waited an hour before we got changed into swim wear and headed out to the dock.

"Shawn, I swear if you push me in!" I say to him as all of us walk on the dock.

"Relax, I'm not gonna," he replies with a coy smile.

"Cause I am." I turn and see Scott extend his left arm out and push me off the dock. I fall into the water and quickly submerge. All of the boys are laughing - including Shawn.

"I see you've decided to join us," I say, spitting water out of my mouth.

"Shawn's gonna join you right now." Daniel says and pushes Shawn in the water before he can react.

Scott, Jack, Daniel, and Liam all jump in the water. I swim over to Shawn and climb on his back.

"Wait, we have enough people to play Chicken, now!" Liam says.

"Really?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah," Liam nods. "Come on, pick teams. Jasmine, do you know how to play?"

"Of course. I used to play with my friends all the time." I reply.

"Great. I call Daniel!" Liam says, swimming over to his brother.

"Get on my neck," Shawn tells me. I let go of him and he swims under the water, swimming through my legs and standing up once my legs were rested on his shoulders. He holds onto my hands, making sure that I won't fall.

Liam was on Daniel's shoulders, and Jack was on Scott's shoulders. "You all know the rules, right?" Scott asks us.

"Yes, now shut up." Liam replies.

"Wait," Shawn speaks up. "It's an odd count."

"No," Jack says.

"Yes, dumbass. There's an extra group." Shawn replies.

"How about someone sits out, and the other two battle. Then the winner goes up against the team that sat out." I suggest.

"That could work." Scott agrees with me. "I think maybe you should sit out, Jasmine."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want you getting hurt." Jack chuckles.

"Laugh all you want, I guarantee I'll kick your ass." I reply. Shawn and everyone laughs, leaving Jack to feel slightly shot down.

"Alright. Let's make a little bet." Jack says. "I kick your ass, you gotta skinny dip at night and try to sneak back in the house. But we take your clothes."

"Jack!" Shawn shouts.

"Deal. And if I kick your ass, you gotta call up that girl." I smirk.

"No problem-"

"I'm not done." I say. "You call her up, and you tell her that you want her to come over."

Jack stops smiling and everyone laughs. He stays quiet, his hands rest on his hips as he thinks about is. "What's wrong Jack?" Liam laughs.

Afraid | Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now