Chapter 2 - Rumours.

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Chapter 2


After the torturous lesson of Gym Class, I dragged my aching muscles towards Mary’s gorgeous red convertible. The cold wind blew against my over-heated body and I couldn’t help but feel exhilarated.

“Why do you walk so fast?” Mary screamed, huffing and puffing as she made her way over.

“I know I have short legs, but seriously?” She groaned, pushing me slightly.

Laughing, I gave her a hug. “It’s not my fault you can’t keep up.”

Her angry expression was now replaced, as she stuck her tongue out and entered the convertible.

“Get in then.” Mary smiled, starting her car and adjusting the side mirrors. Obediently, I quickly manoeuvred myself over to the passenger side, and got in.

“So? Did you hear about Rebecca?”

Rebecca or ‘Beg it Becca’ (as many people liked to call her) is what we call the school’s very own ‘Queen’.

She literally rules the whole school, assigning us to specific tables and making sure that everyone was in a so called ‘group’. But the worst thing was people actually accepted her decisions, of course teachers would because her dad was the school governor, but the students didn’t need to.

Everyone is and always will be scared of her. She may look innocent with her luscious dark red hair and her perfectly sculpted face, but she’s quite the opposite. She’s a conniving, manipulative, sly bitch.

“What did she do this time?” I asked closing my eyes and waiting for Mary to go on about how she tore the extensions out of another girl - or something like that.

“She’s doing drugs.”

My head whipped to the right as my eyes locked onto Mary’s expressionless face; trying to figure out whether she was joking or serious.

“It’s true.” She muttered glancing at me, her face clearly serious. There was a moment of silence before I could even reply. Rebecca couldn’t do drugs could she? I mean she wouldn’t. She’s not like that. Yeah, she’s a not a nice person, but she wouldn’t do that to herself.

“No… I don’t believe that,” I laughed shaking my head. “It’s just probably another rumour.”

“Its not…” Mary said her voice now dangerously low. “I’ll explain it to you later.”

Nodding my head I watched as she carefully parked up in front of my house.

“See you tomorrow.” She smiled, returning back to her over-cheerful self.

“Bye.” I replied unbuckling my seat belt and grabbing my things.

Getting out of the car, I waved at Mary as she reversed the car and carefully drove away.

As I walked up to the porch, I couldn’t help but wonder why people were suspecting that Rebecca did drugs. It was impossible. She wouldn’t stoop so low, especially since her…

Pushing thoughts of Rebecca away from my mind, I opened the door of my home and was hit by the smell of freshly made ginger biscuits.

Mum was home.

Stepping into the house, I quickly took of my shoes, put my things on the floor and let my nose lead me to the aromatic smell.

“Hi Sweetie,” Mum said cheerfully as she set a batch of biscuits on the counter to cool off.

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