Chapter 16 - Mary.

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Chapter 16


Mary was the one person in the world I knew that I could definitely rely on, and the time had come when I needed her advice; so I decided to go over to her house.

By the time I had arrived at Mary’s house, I had worked myself up enough to tell her about everything. I was absolutely tired of keeping it from her, and was now ready to share.

It felt like the huge quilt of guilt that had been suffocating me, was finally off as I told her everything.

Well, not everything.

I told her about Kayden, about me and him growing up together, how close we were, the things we did together and of course, how he left. Finally, I even told her how we hung out the other day, after he figured out who I was.

Surprisingly Mary only asked about a hundred questions, instead of the million I thought she would ask.

When she asked why Kayden left in the first place, I had no answer for her. He never really explained. After a while of filling her in she finally asked the question I knew she would asked – Why was I here with a suitcase?

After explaining to her that Luca and I had yet again had a fight, she asked. “So what are you going to do?”

I shrugged.

“Do you want to stay here?”

“Thanks…” I sighed. “I don’t even know why I let him get to me.”

“Saffron,” Mary looked at me sympathetically. “You and Luca have fought before, it’ll be okay. He runs away from his responsibilities. You have more than a little right to be mad at him.”

I looked down at my hands, my thumbs slowly twisting around each other. “But I shouldn’t have yelled at him like that. What if he leaves again? It’ll be my fault.”

Mary shook her head as she came over to sit next to me. “No, it won’t be your fault. Luca obviously has other things that are bothering him and he’s just taking it out on you and your mum. He needs to get over it and be the brother he should be.”

I continued to avoid her gaze, trying to hide the hot tears that were threatening to spill. I looked down; focusing on the colourful afghan we were seated on. “I don’t really want to talk about Luca anymore.”

Mary shifted into a more comfortable position on the bed facing me, with her legs crossed. “Okay. New subject: Kayden.”

Grinning, I shook my head. “I knew you weren’t done asking about him.” I laughed.

“It’s interesting! I mean, how many people in our town can say they know someone like Kayden Shaw? Excluding Stanley, that is.” She exclaimed dramatically.

“Not many, I guess.”

“Exactly. It’s pretty cool. You know the son of this big time millionaire, who owns high-end restaurants and co-owns a record company that his son and his band signed under.”

“They’re not a big band. His dad is more famous than him.” I stated, trying to tone down her overflowing happiness.

“That’s not the point,” She said ignoring my comment. “The point is that you two were really great friends, who lost each other for a while, but now he’s back in town and you have the opportunity to be with him again.”

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