Chapter 12 - He Knows.

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Chapter 12

He Knows.

What did I get myself into’ was the question currently running through my mind, as we walked into the café opposite my workplace. I had luckily managed to get a half-an-hour break from my boss just so I could hear what Kayden wanted to say. But now I felt myself doubt my decision.

As soon as we entered the café, I quickly found a booth and sat down; Kayden followed shortly and sat on the opposite side.

A waiter came by and I ordered myself a coffee with extra cream, trying to distract myself from the awkwardness.

Shortly after the waiter had left, Kayden and I just sat there staring at each other. I found myself feeling extremely uncomfortable with him not saying anything and just staring.

I wanted to say so many things. I wanted to ask so many things, but it was as if the words had escaped from my mouth as soon as he appeared. I tried to build up the courage to ask him why he wanted to speak to me, but was struggling to even say a word. Luckily, the waiter was quick in coming back with my coffee and Kayden’s hot chocolate, offering some distraction from the obvious awkwardness that surrounded us and giving me a chance to collect my thoughts.

I brought the cup of steaming hot coffee to my lips, and blew on it in order to cool it down. After a couple of minutes of just blowing the substance, I hungrily gulped a mouthful of the delicious liquid.

“So…” Kayden said as my gaze landed on him.

Taking a mouthful of the coffee, I sat there staring at him.


Hearing my name coming from him I was startled.

He knew who I was? Of course he knew. I stupidly called him by his nickname.  

Coughing frantically I thumped my chest in order to stop choking. After several thumps and vigorous coughs I could finally breathe properly again.

“What did you call me?” I rasped my throat hurting from the coughing I had done.

“Saffron.” He repeated a crooked grin etching across his face.

“You know?” I asked looking at him.

He nodded and smiled.

“How?” I asked, setting my coffee down on the table.

“The night of your school dance; you called me ‘Kade’.” He stated, and I continued to stare at him, “I don’t like people calling me ‘Kade’. You were the only person who ever called me that, and the only person who was allowed to call me that.”

He let out a sigh, as he rubbed his hand over his eyes. “I don’t know. When you said it, I just kind of knew. It just clicked.”

I awkwardly picked up my coffee and took a sip. “How could you forget?” I asked, my gaze fixed on the coffee. I didn’t want him to know that him leaving had affected me so much. But I needed to know why he had never contacted me? Why he had never looked back at us?

He sat there for a while, his hands fidgeting as he looked at his cup of hot chocolate. After what seemed like forever, he finally stopped and his ocean blue eyes met mine.

“I don’t know.” He sighed leaning against his chair, “I guess with all the people I was meeting and with our move. I just kind of forgot.”

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