Chapter 23 - Weather Girl.

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Chapter 23

Weather Girl. 

Storming out of your own home, planning to go somewhere isn’t exactly the best thing to do if you don’t have a get-away car ready for you. So that’s why I was walking along the road near my neighbourhood.

I hadn’t realised I was that angry with what had happened between me and Luca, but the sound of the door slamming behind me as I walked off said differently.  Getting mad at Luca wasn’t something I wanted, even if he wasn’t a great brother.

The adrenaline I had felt whilst I was angry had dwindled down as I reached the park near my neighbourhood. The energy I had before was gone and the length of my travel had finally caught up with me.

My feet throbbed as I sagged onto a nearby bench and let out a deep breath. I slumped against the back of the seat and reached into my pocket for my phone to check the time. It was only six and I’d already managed to somehow have my best friend avoid me and have an argument with my brother.

Before I could contemplate any more, the screen on my phone changed to announce an incoming call. I didn’t recognise the number, but I secretly hoped it was someone calling to offer me a ride.

Even if it was Stanley, I really needed a ride and walking back was no option since my feet were aching too much.

Damn these shoes.

After a couple of loud rings, I answered the phone tentatively.

“Hey, is this Saffron?” A deep man’s voice came across the line. I immediately tensed. This didn’t sound anything like Stanley’s voice.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and glanced at the number in confusion. “Uh, yeah. Who is this?” I said putting the phone back against my ear.

“Hey. It’s Kayden.”

I don’t quite know why I let out a gasp, but I did. And he heard.

“Are you okay over there?” He asked.

I nodded my head, then realised he couldn’t see me. “Err…yeah. I just saw a Sasquatch step on a squirrel.”


“Nothing.” I sighed.

“A Sasquatch stepped on a squirrel?”  He laughed.

I saw a small squirrel run across the grass in front of me and silently cringed as I imagined a large hairy foot coming down on top of it. “Nothing.” I told him shaking the image from my mind. “How did you get my number? I don’t remember giving it to you?”

“I have my connections.” He chuckled.

After a moment of silence he explained. “I got it from Stanley. He somehow had Mary’s number and got yours from her. Why does he have her number?

“Stanley has a thing for Mary, I guess.” I laughed.

“Really? I never would’ve guessed.” He said.

“Everyone knows except Mary. I don’t know how shes so oblivious.” I told him. “Anyway… You called me for something?” I asked when the silence on the line went on for a while.

“Oh right.” His voice came across the line again. “I just wanted talk to you. I feel kind of bad with what happened last night.”

The images from the previous night flashed across my mind and I felt myself shudder at the events that took place. “Oh.”

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