Chapter 14 - On The Verge.

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Chapter 14

On The Verge.

Luca came home later that night, and luckily I had managed to get Kayden out of the house before he had arrived. When I realised it was getting close to the time that my mother normally came home, I had immediately switched the T.V off and ushered Kayden swiftly out of my house.

I didn’t want him to meet my mother and I really didn’t want my mother to see him. Mainly because she would start asking questions about him, and then possibly embarrass me in front of him, and to be honest I really didn’t want that to happen.

Waking up the next morning to a silent house, I remember how Kayden had said it was so quiet in the house and he was right, the house was surrounded by quietness. With a deep sigh I pulled myself off the bed, slid on my soft slippers and made my way towards Luca’s room to check on him. As I peeked from the door, I saw he was sleeping and decided to head downstairs.

Entering the kitchen, I slid the coffee pot into its place and turned the small humble machine on, the low rumbling immediately coming out. I grabbed a few cups from the cupboard and set them on the counter along with the cream and sugar.

After preparing the mugs, I left the kitchen and went to check in the back room where I was sure my mother was.

Sure enough there was my mother passed out on the small sofa in the room. Glancing around I sighed in relief as there was no alcohol in sight.

I felt my heart squeeze as I stood next to her watching her chest rise and fall slowly. She said she had quit drinking but I just couldn’t believe it. It hasn’t even been that long since she’d supposedly stopped, and I’m sure that she’d go back to her old drinking habits sooner or later.

“Mom?” I asked softly, taking a few steps towards her.

“Mom?” I tried again, this time reaching forward and shaking her slightly, to which she slightly stirred.

“Mom!” I said louder this time and she jerked awake. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at me.

“You’re going to be late for work.” I told her taking a small step back as she tried to sit up on the sofa. Her hand reached out for assistance, “What time is it?” she asked her voice raspy with sleep.

“Almost nine.” I replied helping her up.

She stood with a groan and ran her hand over her worn face.

“I have coffee ready.”

With a small nod she shuffled sleepily out the room and towards her own bedroom.

Luca was downstairs in the kitchen when I went to go get the coffee mugs. “I’m surprised you’re awake.” I commented glancing at him.

“So am I.” He remarked bringing a steamy mug of coffee up to his mouth for a sip.

Glancing at the coffee mug in his hand I turned towards him. “Glad to see you’re enjoying the coffee I made.”

“For me,” He stated, taking another sip.


“You made the coffee for yourself, mom and me. Did you not?” He smiled smugly, taking another gulp of the coffee I had made.

I stood there knowing he was right, but not wanting to admit it.

“That’s how you are,” he continued. “You always do things for everyone else, and so I didn’t bother to ask.”

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