Chapter 6 - People Don't Stay Forever, But Memories Do.

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Chapter 6

People Don't Stay Forever, But Memories Do.

It’s a good thing that I was never much of a fainter. To be honest I’ve never actually fainted in my life. So instead of collapsing at the sudden shock of seeing him, I just stood there staring at him, like a psycho. I’m sure he’d be wondering why I was staring at him like that – maybe not, since hes a celebrity. He’s probably used to having girls approach him and gawk at him.

“Yeah but I bet they were pretty girls.” I thought scowling.

“Huh… what?” Kayden’s voice surprised me as I realised that I had said that a loud. Biting my lower lip, I hesitantly looked up at him.

‘He’s changed so much’ was the first thought that had entered my mind, as I looked into his crystal blue eyes. No longer was he the scrawny timid boy who used to run around screaming ‘Superman to the rescue’. He now stood taller than me, his shoulders broad, and his body no longer scrawny. His once neat-combed hair now stood carelessly giving it a sort of bad boy look. He had changed so much.

And here I stood the same old me.

“Are you okay?” He asked looking at me weirdly. I waited for a few seconds, in hope that maybe he’d do or say something that showed he had recognised me. But he just stood there his face contorted in confusion.

Feeling betrayed, I snapped at him, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

His eyebrows rose and he folded his arms. “Well jeez. No need to be rude, especially since I just saved you from that paedophile back there.” He said with a slight arrogance evident in his voice.

“I never asked for help.” I hissed, crossing my arms stubbornly over my chest. I watched as he snorted and then proceeded to shake his head.

“Wow I didn’t know that the night I decide to be nice, would be the night I was nice to someone so rude.”

My anger simmered slightly for a moment at his words. But then I felt guilty. Guilty because it was the first time after years I’d seen him and I was being so rude to him. Okay so maybe he deserved it since he couldn’t remember me, but that wasn’t his fault was it?

“Sorry, bad night.” I apologized quickly, and then turned around to leave.

“Wouldn’t you at least like to know the name of the guy who helped you?” He called from a few feet behind me.

Turning around, I faced him, “You’re Kayden.”

His eyebrows shot up in surprise and a cocky grin quickly spread across his lips. “Ah, so you’re a fan, huh?”

“No,” I replied abruptly, “Quite the opposite.” I spun around quickly, not waiting for a response and headed back inside to find Mary. Hopefully she’d give me a lift back home.

As I entered the party, I was glad that Kayden hadn’t come after me. I really didn’t want any more drama to unfold.

“Mary, let’s go.” I hissed pulling at Mary’s sleeve, since she was busy dancing amongst a group of strangers.

Mary whipped her head around, her hair messily flipping back. “Already?” She yelled over the loud music.

Nodding, I made an excuse about my mum calling me home. Mary sighed and then manoeuvred her way out of the dance floor and towards Peter.

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