Chapter 4 - Luca.

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Chapter 4


That afternoon I had left school late.

The student council members required a second opinion on the Halloween dance colour scheme and so I agreed to help them. Although now, according to them, I had to organise the event myself. I wasn’t expecting that to happen, but at least now I’ve got something to spend time on.

That evening, I sent a text to Mary asking if she’d like to help. Instead of texting me back, she called me and started babbling about how much fun it would be. Telling her a small white lie, I disconnected our call and lay on my bed.

The shutting sound of a door echoed through the house, as I heard Luca come in.

I lie silently on my bed, just hoping that he might come to my room and say something; but instead I hear him stumbling up the stairs, past my bedroom and straight into his own room. The door slamming shut.

The loud bang of the door echoed through the house, and was soon replaced by low grumbles and grunts, letting me know that he had dropped down onto his bed and was out like a light.

A small disappointed sigh escaped from my lips, as I turned to face the window adjacent to my bed. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and hit the pillow, just before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Hardly having my brother at home really bothered me. As a kid, Luca and I were inseparable. He was my big brother; he was the one who would protect me. But since Dad died, nothing’s been the same. As the year progressed he stayed out later, came home drunk or sometimes he didn’t even come home. He’d always smell of alcohol and ignored me completely. That’s what hurt the most, him ignoring me, him not helping me with Mum. I felt alone.

“Hey Saffron, do you know where ‘Room 34’ is?” Callie asked, interrupting my thoughts. Callie had come up to us a couple of times during school, finally deciding to pay attention and ask where things were, and to find out the quickest route to her classes.

“Yeah, just go down this hallway and to the left, and it’s straight ahead of you.” I replied, as she smiled and made her way to her class.


Entering my final lesson, Mary and I discovered that Mr Tyler our History teacher was off sick, which meant that we now had a free lesson. We quickly walked over to our seats so they wouldn’t be taken by the jocks and proceeded to ‘chill’ for the rest of the lesson.

“Hey Mary,” someone called. Glancing up I saw the infamous Stanley, stalking over towards us. “…Hey Saffron.”

“Hi,” I replied elbowing Mary.

“Ow Saff!” She yelped rubbing her arm. “You have really sharp elbows.”

Stanley’s deep chuckle gained Mary’s attention as she shot him one of her mean glares.

“So Mary, are you coming to the party?” Stanley asked leaning against the table, the edge of his lips twitching slightly.

“Yes, got a problem?” Mary challenged crossing her arms over her chest and raising her right eyebrow.

“Nope,” Stanley said with a wink and then he walked away.

I turned towards Mary to see her face was now fully red.

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