Chapter 18 - A Visit.

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Chapter 18

A Visit.

I don’t exactly know how I got here or why I’m even here, and even if you asked, I wouldn’t be able to explain. All I knew was I had somehow wandered here even though I was telling Mary over and over again at school, that I wasn’t going to go.

Throughout the whole school day, I went through my classes in a daze. I don’t even remember anything the teachers had talked about, all I could wait for was for my lessons to finish, so I could leave.

I glanced at the picture of the house again, to make sure it was the right place. I knew it was. I had just spent the last twenty minutes assuring the guard that I was a friend of Kayden’s and that he knew I was coming and that he didn’t have to disturb him with a call.

I wasn’t sure I was going to do but before I could stop myself, I found myself walking the short distance to the front steps of his house. Making my way up the steps I realised how huge the house really was. The porch ceiling loomed many feet above me and succeeded in making me feel extremely small.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted my hand and rang the doorbell waiting for an answer.

An eternity seem to go by as I stood there still waiting. I rang the doorbell again thinking that maybe no one heard it the first time. But after another couple of minutes there was still no answer and I immediately lost my confidence. The realisation of what I was doing finally caught up with me and I felt my palms get sweaty with apprehension.

You know how in the movies the person is just about to leave but then the person they’ve been waiting for finally appears? That’s what happened to me. I was just turning to leave, when the door flung open revealing Kayden in his mid-afternoon glory; though he looked like he had just woken up from the looks of his wrinkled shirt, blurry eyes and bed hair.

He stood there for a while just looking at me cluelessly, and for a moment I thought maybe he had forgotten me again. But then his eyes cleared and he looked at me with confusion. “Saffron?”

I felt my face scorch with embarrassment, as I stood there trying to come up with a reason as to why I was here.

“I-I…uh…” I stammered. “H-hi.”

Kayden continued to look at me oddly as he stood opposite of me. “How do you know where I live?” He asked.

I let out a nervous laugh that probably sounded more like a nasally shrill.

“My, uh, friend is like a detective type – wait, not a detective, she just- she just figured out where you lived and, um… I just thought I’d stop by and say hi, so ‘hi’” I gave an awkward wave. “Okay, I’m just going to go now. This wasn’t a great idea.” I rambled and then turned to go.

“Do you want to come in?” Kayden asked from behind me.

Pausing at the steps, I hesitantly turned around. “No, that’s okay. I don’t really remember why I came here. Probably something stupid…” I babbled.

“Saffron.” Kayden grinned slowly. I shut my mouth.

He stepped aside holding the door open so I could go through. Upon entering I was met with the sight of a huge hall, a double staircase on either side leading up to the second floor and a stunning chandelier hung from the high ceiling.

“It’s so beautiful.” I quietly commented as Kayden led me through a large archway into a vast kitchen.

“It’s a bit too much for my taste, but my dad chose it.” Kayden said moving behind the kitchen counter.

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