Chapter 24 - A Note?

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Chapter 24

A Note?

For some reason the people at school were still buzzing about the event from two nights ago. I guess when you’re at a school where nothing happens and then something does happen; it gets talked about for a while.  Normally I found new events fascinating but when it was about me, I wasn’t too fond of it.

A few of the teachers’ still gave me disapproving looks and some of the student even looked at me in a funny way. Luckily that was about it.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t like that in my math class.

In the middle of the lesson Callie spun around in her desk to face me, a big cheesy smile plastered to her glossy lips. “So, Saffron…” She started, looking at me intently.

“So, Callie,” I leaned to the left so I could see around her and jotted down the equation the teacher was explaining.

“How have you been recently? We haven’t really talked since I drove you home the other day. How’s Mary?” She babbled, crossing her perfectly tanned legs.

“I’m doing fine. She’s fine.” I said curtly; I knew she was just trying to get some information to gossip about.

“What about the guy you were with at the party? How is he?” She pressed, leaning towards me as if I was going to tell her a secret.

I leaned back in my seat, “Are you wanting to ask me something because I really need to copy these notes down.”

“Oh, I just wanted to ask how he was doing.” She beamed. “But I am also curious about Mary. Hasn’t she spoken to you yet? Is everything okay between you? Is it because of that guy, Kayden?” She looked at me; a greedy look passed over her face but she quickly replaced it with fake concern.

“Yeah, where is Mary?” Someone to my left perked up. I turned to see Stanley watching the both us curiously. “I haven’t seen her around lately.”

Before I could even speak I was interrupted by a very loud cough.

“Miss Ross, Mr Wilson and Miss Thatcher, is there anything you wish to share with the class? It must be quite interesting if all three of you are discussing it during my lesson.”

I shook my head while Callie and Stanley turned back to the front mumbling, “Sorry, sir.”

Saved by the teacher. That was a new one.


I was trying to convince myself that maybe Mary was just having a bad couple of days and that she wasn’t upset with me. Yet, when we saw each other before last lesson she quickly changed her course and headed in the opposite direction from me.

I dragged myself into my final class and sunk into my desk. I sat, slumped over in my seat, eyes fixed on the clock for the majority of the class. Mr Humphrey’s lesson hardly registered in my brain. I was in no way focused on the assignment.

I just couldn’t figure out why Mary was acting so stranger. I didn’t remember doing anything to hurt her feelings. Sure we had our disagreements, but one of them were about anything too important. Most of the time it was her criticising my fashion choices and me criticising her obsession with Peter, nothing big.

I was just making a mental plan to track her down after school so we could talk when the classroom door opened and an office aide came in.

She passed a note to the teacher and left.

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