Chapter Six!

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Their honeymoon passed sooner than they wished but cherished every moment they had together.Their days were filled with touring the city or taking trips to Dubai and their nights were filled with passion.

Zuhaiba knew deep down that she still loved Zuhaib but she refused to accept it as she tried to tell herself that the day he married her sister she let go off him but every touch,every action of his spoke of his love for her.

At the moment they were on their way to Zunran in the helicopter and he was holding her hand.They had left at 6:00 pm so they would reach in two hours time.They hadn't spoken a word since the time they had got onto the helicopter but his hold on her hand was enough to send her body into overdrive.

They finally reached and he helped her off the helicopter and into the palace where thy were greeted by his family.His mother and sisters hugged her while his brothers hugged him.They walked into the palace and into the dinning room where they sat down to have dinner.

"So how was your honeymoon?"

Umme Zuhaib asked them and Zuhaib replied to her.

"It was great,alhamdulilah.We enjoyed ourselves."

"And what do you think about the holiday home Zuhaiba?"

"Alhamdulilah it is very beautiful."

"Of course Zuhaib made sure everything was to your taste."

Laiqha said and Zuhaiba looked at him surprised at what she said.She hadn't known that Zuhaib had been responsible for everything.He smiled at her and took her hand,kissing the back of it.

"Obviously after all who knows her better than myself."

Zuhaiba fought off a blush and smiled at him mischievously.

"My ummi knows me better than you."

Everyone started laughing at what she said and so did she.

"That reminds me.Your ummi and abu are going to be coming to meet you in three days time."

Umme Zuhaib spoke and this news brightened her smile.She turned to Zuhaib. 

"Tomorrow may I please go for shopping?"

"Of course you don't have to ask."


And they continued their dinner before retiring to their room.Zuhaiba changed into a nightgown and took off her make up while Zuhaib stripped down to his boxers and laid in bed.She climbed into bed next to her husband and he wrapped his arm around her.Her head laid against his chest and he kissed her head.

"I don't feel like going back to my official duties tomorrow."

She looked up at him,her eyes questioning.


He muzzled her hair.

"Because you won't be by my side."

She gave him a 'are you serious' look,he shrugged.

"What?You an addiction a very,very beautiful and dangerous addiction which I'm addicted to."

She started laughing and then cupped his cheek in her hand  and gave him a dazzling smile which sent his insides into a frenzy.

"What a silver tongue you have dear husband but that doesn't mean that I'm going to say you must stay with me.Royal duties come before everyone and everything even me,understand?Now go to sleep we both have a busy day ahead of us."

He kissed her lightly on the lips before they both drifted into slumber.

□■Next Day■□

Zuhaib woke up before Zuhaiba and looked at his beautiful wife.He plopped himself up onto one arm and looked at her.She was laying down on her back,her hair a curtain over her face and her gown exposing her breastbone.He moved her hair away from her face before getting up and going to take a shower.

When he got out of the shower she was still asleep and he went into the closet.He wore a black suit and came out only to find her awake.She smiled at him and he smiled back at her,going to the bed and kissing her lightly.

"Good morning."

He greeted her.


"I'm so sorry but I will be unable to have breakfast with you."

"Is ok.Go you going to get late and I also need to get ready."

He nodded,kissed her once again and left.Zuhaiba sighed and got out of bed.She filled the bathtub up and sat in the tub.She leaned her head down against the edge of the tub,closing her eyes.She got up and dried herself up.She wore a black knee length top along with tights and pumps.She wore a red scarf and red lipstick.

She went into the dinning room and found her two sister-in-laws waiting for her.She hugged and greeted them before they sat down for breakfast.

"Why don't you'll come with me?"

Zuhaiba asked them.

"So sorry but we can't come we have some royal duties to do but Zuhaib said that the guards would go with you."

Amanah said.Zuhauba nodded her head and they made their way outside to the car where thee was one car waiting for Zuhaiba.She greeted the twins and got into the car.

The driver drove towards the mall,when the driver scream and there was a bang..........

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