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Zuhaiba watched as Zuhaib and Zufar ran around the garden,playing soccer.She rubbed her bloated stomach when she felt a bit of pain.Zuhaiba was going to open the book laying next to her when she felt something wet flow between her legs and the pain that hit her before intensified.

"Ya Allah." Zuhaiba exclaimed rather loudly and Zuhaib looked at her,her expression made him rush to her.

"Zuhaiba what's wrong?"

Zuhaiba took a deep breath before smiling at Zuhaib,"It's time."

Zuhaib's eyes widened and he scoped her in his arms as he spoke to Zufar,"Zufar go call your grandmother and aunts.Tell them to call the doctor."

"Why abi?"

"Your sibling is ready to come.Now go quickly." Zufar nodded excitedly and ran out of their quarters while Zuhaib took his wife upstairs to the room they had prepared in the quarters for when Zuhaiba would give birth.He laid her on the bed and she grabbed his hand tightly as a contraction hit her.


"Breath in and out.Just how we practiced."

Zuhaiba looked at Zuhaib who looked really stressed out at her condition and she smiled reassuringly to him.

"First you need to calm down.You won't help me by stressing and I will kill you," She stopped in between to take a deep breath as a contraction hit,"if you pass out on me.Instead of stressing they say reading Surah Yaseen makes it easy for a woman giving birth.When Zufar was born Ummi read for me now you can read for me."

Zuhaib nodded and starts reading Surah Yaseen when there was a knock on the door and Zuhaib gave the person permission to enter.It was Ummi Zuhaib,Amanah,Laaiqah and Wahida.Wahida made her way to Zuhaiba and asked everyone except Zuhaib to leave.Ummi Zuhaib kissed her on the forehead and left.

"Your Highness you not fully diluted.I will come back every fifteen minutes to make sure that you are okay."

Wahida left and Zuhaib kept on reading.Zuhaiba's contractions begun getting worst but Zuhaiba refused to take any pain medications.Eight hours later Wahida said that she was fully diluted.

"On the count of three I want you to start pushing.One,two,three.Push."

Zuhaiba pushed hard and Zuhaib was sure that he heard a few of his bone crack.Zuhaiba pushed two more times when Wahida spoke,"Just a little more I can see the head."

"Zuhaib,I am so killing you after this.Ahhhhhh.Don't even think about coming near me I will castrate you and then murder you.Aaaaggghhhhhhh."

Zuhaiba felt something leave her body and then they heard a cry.

"Mubarak Your Hignesses,it's a baby girl."

Zuhaiba threw her head back,eyes closed and when she opened it she saw Zuhaib carrying a small bundle.Zuhaib looked as if he was in a trance before giving azaan in the right ear of the child and Iqama in the left ear.He handed the baby back to Wahida who took the baby to clean her up.He came to Zuhaiba and kissed her forehead.

"She's beautiful habiba.Jazakallah for this wonderful gift."

"She has to be beautiful after all she is your daughter."

"Now I can't disagree with that."

Wahida brought the baby to Zuhaiba and Zuhaiba held the baby to her chest,placing a kiss on her head.Wahida cleaned up Zuhaiba and then Zuhaib told her to tell his mother and sisters to come in.

"It's a girl Ummi."

They let out calls of shukar and Ummi Zuhaib kissed Zuhaiba on the forehead.

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