Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The entire royal family was present at the town square along with the men and women of the city.In front of them stood Aqeelah with Umme Yusuf next to her.Zuhaiba's father stood on the other side of his daughter along with three of his sons,all of whom felt ashamed to be there.Zuhaib went forward to talk and stood at his side,giving her sister a sympathetic look.

"We are all gathered here today to witness a punishment being executed to Aqeelah Bin Waleed and Usaama Bin Tameez for adultery.The punishment is fifty whip lashes to Bin Waleed and seventy five lashes to Bin Tameez for this unlawful act that they have committed."

Zuhaib waved the officers on.Two female officers went to grab a hold of Aqeelah who immediately looked at her sister with pleading eyes.

Before she could speak Umme Yusuf lunged for the officers but was grabbed by the three sons.Her pleas were ignored and Aqeelah spoke.

"Ya ughti.Please have some mercy on me.Please do not allow them to whip me.Please."

Aqeelah knew that Zuhaiba would not be able to ignore her request and felt happy when she saw Zuhaiba stop the officers and walk towards her.She was soon left confused when Zuhaiba walked past her to their father and stood next to him.Aqeelah got her answer,Zuhaiba wouldn't take her part.

They took Aqeelah to a chamber where her lashes were handed out to her and outside Usaama was handed his lashes.

Once the officers were done they left and Umme Yusuf quickly ran into the chamber and feel to her knees as she watched a medical team attend to her daughter.

Umme Yusuf's blood was boiling and she went back out to see Zuhaiba comforting Waleed.
She turned Zuhaiba to face her and slapped her across the face.

"You vile thing.Look what happened to my daughter because of you.You first killed your mother and now you want to kill my child.I'm going to end you."

Umme Yusuf begun strangling Zuhaiba who had tears running down her face and didn't attempt to fight Umme Yusuf off.

Umme Yusuf was pulled off by Waleed who slapped her and as Zuhaiba fell Zuhaib caught her.

"Ya habiba are you okay?"

Zuhaiba only nodded her head and Zuhaiba picked her up bridal style.He looked at Waleed and spoke.

"Go back to the tribe abi and warn Umme Yusuf that if she ever tries to harm my wife I won't let the matter slide."

Saying that he carried Zuhaiba to a car that was waiting for them and instructed the driver to take them home.

The whole way Zuhaiba sobbed and his heart broke.Ya Allah what had Umme Yusuf done to a girl who could never harm her?What type is woman was she!

When they reached the palace Zuhaib carried Zuhaiba up to their room and laid her on the bed.He untied her scarf and he saw red.She had a slight bruise on her neck,her scarf had prevented anything harmful.

He quickly got an ointment and applied it to her neck.As he did so she carried on crying and when he was done he pulled her onto his lap.

"Why does she hate me so much Zuhaib?What have I done that makes her hate me so much?I didn't kill my mother Zuhaib!She passed away while giving birth to me so how am I at fault! Why Zuhaib?Why?"

"Habiba I wish I could answer that for you but I can't because I can't see how someone as beautiful as you are in and out can harm anyone.It is not your fault that your ummi passed away.She passed away as a martyr and she has gotten jannat because of you."

Zuhaib continued comforting Zuhaiba until she fell asleep.He promised her silently that he would never let anyone harm her again.

As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu.

I hope that everyone is fine.
Well I got my report and I PASSED with okay marks.I'm finally going to be in my last year next year meaning grade 12.I'm really overjoyed.

I hope that you'll liked the chapter and I know we all hate the ville mother -daughter duo.
Jazakallah for +86.7k reads and +3.4k likes and 337 comments.It means a lot.

Guys please check out the second book in The Sheikh's Bride series.It would mean a lot.It's called Being The Sheikh's Second Bride.

The last part where Zuhaib says that Zuhaiba's mother is a martyr,in Islam we believe that if a woman passes away while giving birth then she is given the status of a person who fought jihad(war) and was killed.When I say jihad I don't mean terrorism!Terrorism is NOT jihad.When I refer to jihad is when the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and the Sahaabah(ra)[Companions of Muhammed(PBUH)] fought back in those days.The jihad of forgiving someone and of forgetting the past.I hope I got my message across.

Jazakallah and take care.

Fi Amanillah.

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