Chapter 4: Dangerous Actions

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I could see Bella scanning the crowd for Edward. Jessica told her that the Cullen's get pulled out of school during the nice weather to go camping, so why was she looking?

The confrontation with Sam Uley shined light on my bottled-up feelings, how much I toss away what I don't want to deal with because it's too much. Quil had managed to disappear also, quit talking to Jake and me without a word. My head had been filled with a dark sadness and I wanted to get rid of it. I wished that I did not care for my friends, but I do.

"We are going dress shopping do you want to come?" Jessica with her voice filled with impatience.

"Sure, I need to find a dress anyway. When are we leaving?"

"After school" Bella replied. I looked at her surprised that she was going to go shopping. My sister hates shopping, I found out the maxi dress she wore to the party... Renee bought it for her. Bella seemed to hate any formal clothes from what I have seen.

I was looking through one of the many dress racks taking everything off my mind and the pain. With Carmel skin, I was thinking a red dress. I looked over at Bella who was supposed to be looking around to find something. Only to find she was reading some dumb book about god knows what.

When I saw the one.

I tried it on, the color a light nude.

The bust was littered with small diamonds and in the middle, it was tight outlining my curves, then it flared flowing down to the floor, it was beautiful on me. Something out of the magazines.

I walked out to see Jessica in a dusty rose dress that showed what little cleavage she had and it looked very nice on her. Angela had on a lavender frock dress that looked great on her small figure and her caramel skin.

"Wow. Kayla, you look sexy!" Angela exclaims and then some guys walked by the dress shop window. They were pigs as they hit the glass and cat called.

"Thanks," I mutter flattered striking a pose.

"Yea Kay. You look stunning, your date will be really lucky." My sister complimented me and the look in her eyes was of sincerity. I had no date, but she did not need to know that and if she did she made no comment.

"Wow Bell's that is all you have said since we arrived," Jessica rolls her eyes unimpressed. No one mentioned her dress aloud, she was seeking attention.

"I am sorry, but I really want to go to this bookstore" Bella said
apologetically grabbing up her items as Jessica looked ready to protest.

"You both can finish up here, and we will meet at the restaurant. I should take her so that she doesn't get lost. My dad would die without her." I paid for my dress not caring what the price was. Dad had said to get whatever it was that I liked so I was doing as he said.

"Okay, see you two at the restaurant" Angela waved as me and Bella walked out of the store.

"What book are you looking for?" I asked her as we walked towards the library.

"It's a book on the Quileute Legends. Jacob told me the story of the Cold Ones when we were walking at La Push beach and I have been curious" Bella replied.

We finally reached the bookstore, it was getting late now and I really wanted to eat something.

There were nice figurines and dream catchers inside. I wanted to buy one to get rid of the night terrors of my friends abandoning me, but I did not.

Taking our leave from the library some random guys came from the shadows. They were drunk and started to surround us. I did not have my pepper spray on me.

"Hey Beautiful, want to hang around with us?" one of them asked. He looked old and his breath reeked.

"No thank-you, we are going somewhere" I said trying to push through them. I held her hand tightly so that I couldn't lose her. I felt her hand loosening and then she took off and left me by myself. They let her run and I watched her figure reach the end of the alley.

I felt a hand grabbing at me as my back was pushed against the wall. His grip was hard as he held my hands above my head. He had a nasty smirk on his lips.

"You're so hot, you know what I'm going to do to you?" I was nervous and my palms were clammy that this was happening.

Suddenly, a silver Volvo swooped in. Edward. He rushed Bella into the car and the screeching tires scared the guys away, but he stared at me with anger before getting into his car leaving.

I slid down the brick wall with tears, I was now stranded in alley alone. We are supposed to stick together and then her creepy boy toy comes out of no were and takes her but leaves me!! Those men could have gotten me.

I just sat here crying until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see the goddess known as Rose. She looked so much like a model with perfect blonde locks cascading down her back. Red lipstick painted on her lips.

"Kayla are you okay?" she asks to my surprise and sits beside me. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concern.

"I guess," I whisper.

"They just left me here, they could have done something horrible to me," I sobbed and she pulls me into a hug. As I put my hands around her I felt a burst of energy bolts coming out of me and it felt like it was going into her.

 "I was raped," she whispers to me, her eyes downcast. Rose always looked confident and so much more than everyone in forks. Her hard exterrior had to have come from somwhere and now I know why. The suffering makes you stronger, sometimes it make you weak. She was obviously strong.

"Really?" I croaked, a burning anger surged through me. It's the most unlikely people that dreadful things happen to. My hands shook as I held my legs to my chest. I can't imagine what those men would have done to me tonight, I could not imagine what she had been through. 

"Yea, it was light years ago. In 1879 there was this man who owned the town. It was everything to have money, because money was power. I was supposed to marry him, a bethrothal,"She had a smile on her lips.

"You know most betrothels are unwanted, but he courted me. Made me fall in love with him," She lets out an unempethic laugh.

"The man, the one I was supposed to marry was drunk with his group of friends...he told me how pretty I was and he showed me off to his guy friends like I was nothing but an object," She spits the last words out like poison. No woman or man wantas to willingly be an object.

"They beat me,  raped me because I fought back. I was almost dead before Carlisle showed up." The pain in her voice was strong and without thought I threw my arms around her in a tight hug, allowing my tears to spill.

"I-I got over it, I relized I had more to live for than just what happend to me. It sometimes haunts me, but Carlisle gave me a second chance and I took it. That man paid for what he did to me, I made him regret his life," 

"My second chance came with a price, I can never have ababy," she whispers to me. I did not question her story, her past. Ionly hoped-for things to get better and an energy surged through my body like aquick shock before disappearing.

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