Chapter 33: Surprise there is...

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I wanted for this scene to be better than what I have come up with but I hope you enjoy!!

Lights were all I could see but I couldn't keep my eyes open as doctors rushed around and the faint voices of my favorite people looking out for me. I couldn't  feel my baby and as much as I tried to place my hand over my belly I wasn't able to feeling lifless.

My eyes shoot open and an ear piercing scream erupts from deep inside my throat. My air way was being blocked but I don't know how.  The feeling of something going wrong inside of me,with my baby gripped me hard. I have spent my whole preganancy knowing it was a high risk but I was definatley  not prepared for something to actually go wrong.

I pass out instantly.

 -                              -                               -                                   -

I watch as Paul sits in a white rocking chair ,  slowly rocking back and forth, and back and forth smiling down at the pink bundle in his arms.

A baby in his arms, and I can imagine how scared he ought to be.Paul hadn't had much experience with baibies before or chidlren everyone has always been told to stay away from tue hot-headed Lahote kid plus his drunken father.

My heart melts seeing him so gentle and caring towards our baby. I watch him tickle her and baby giggle leaves her mouth. I want to get close and see whats under  the blanket but I am frozen in the doorway.

"You know watching us isn't as good as comeing over here and being with us," Paul looks up at me with a smirk on his lips but it doesn't seem like him. It's a sinister smirk,  His hooded eyes are red and I regain movement when I am able to take a step forward confused at this odd behavior.

Lighting flashes throuh the once sun filled window blinding me, thunder booming and darkness loooming over us. I oepn my eyes only now there is red blood on the pretty pink blanket laying  disheaveld on the tan carpeted floor and red splatterd across the  butterfly purple walls. Paul has disapeared and there lay on the ground,the lifeless uncoverd form of the baby.

-                 -                      -                           -

I feel a breathing mask on my face and the feeling of my stomach being cut open. I can't feel the pain but I can tell my skins is being moved uncomfortablely.

I can't hear much everyrhing seems incoherent and the feeling of something wrong makes me so scared as it seems im chocking ever so slightly on air,like im not getting enough oxygen.

I reach my hand to my face to remove the mask breathing deeply.

"What's going on?"I ask a bit breathless blinking my eyes rapidly trying to focus.

"Ms.Swan leave the mask on,"The nurses try and force me to stay still but I want my baby.

"Were is Paul?Jasper?" I question as I began to panic.

The birth of this baby, they need to be here for it. This is it, the moment I've prepared months for,they have been by my side most of the time they are guardians to this child and they belong rihht her onside of me.I nedd them to get through this without becoming a mess.

"I need them!!" I groan hearing the heart monitor pick up as my air way stops for a breif second only to pick up.I shouldn't be stressing on if they are hear but it helps to calm my nerves if they are here.

"I need them," I cry out. Carlisle need to listen to me, he knows how badly this matters on how they should be here. Our bond is too strong.

"We need her stable now!!Get those two in here!" Carlisle demands and a woman rushes through the white double doors.

I feel jaspers hand grab my right one and I sigh looking over to him. His eyes are red and I dont mind,I find it attractive but I cam see the concern om his face even though he could easily mask it.

Then I feel a warm hand wrap around my free one and a soft, gentle kiss on my forhead.

"We are here for you baby,"Paul whispers in my ear and I nod.

Not even 10 seconds later after I groan in pain.Is when I hear an angelic cry feeling the space.

I had dreamt of seeing my baby and hearing the crys many times in the past 9 months. In person its much more greater, it's a loud and healthy cry of breathing air for the first time.

"It's a boy!!" Carlisle announces and I smile brightly as they place my sweet boy on my chest.

He looks like paul,head full of black hair with golden skin and a wide nose.

"Oh my darling there is another one!!" Jasper announces and they usher my boy off to be checked and I reach my hand out after him.

"Your doing good Kayla," Paul praises watching with a big smile on his face and I watch in awe as a tear of joy leaves his dark eyes.

I look over to Jasper he is smileing too and he squeezes my hand closing his eyes looking up at the ceiling with a chuckle.

Another Baby inside of me! I'm just confused on how there is another baby inside of me,Every doctor visit there has been one,every single time. One heart beat and fetus on the ultra sound or so says Paul and jasper who have seen the print outs.

I had absolutely refused to know the gender so the doctor only showed me the top half.

This revelation can explain the back pains and my obsessive and eating and the gross craving for medium rare meat.

My air way clogs up fast and noticble this time.
"Something's wrong," I say as my air way clogs up once again.

"Get my baby out!!,"I choke out feeling my lungd burn.

"Baby number 2, A beautiful Girl who was lodged near the spine," Carsile announces but instead of the calmness and joy in his voice as my son was removed from the womb there is something like apprehension.

The once light atmosphere becomes dark and gloomy and tears leak from my eyes.

The doctors are rushing around frantic and I want to know whats going on, why everyone is being hecric and saying big words I can't understand.Crowding around my baby girl who I haven't even gotten to see yet!

Jasper leaves my side making me feel like this is my fault or that what is happening is bigger than I think and I watch as Pauls eyes widen and his form begins shaking.I feel his hand tighten significantly around me. His wolf wants to come out, he is worried for our children and their saftey.

I try and sit up to check on my baby only to be pushed back and gentley held down. I want to thrash and scream at them to let me see my Baby girl.To know she is alright but I know they wont let me.
There is shrp jab in my thigh and start to feel loopy.

"We have to close her up,Kayla you need to stay calm amd still sweetheart," The dark skinned man doctor tells me in an accent and I wonder who he is or perhaps where he came from.

I see black dots cloud my vision for what seems the one hundredth time in my life and pass out hoping my little girl is okay. I trust these vampires with my childrens life and mine.

I am sorry 😞 😞 I need to edit it. I had wanted this scene a certin way but i didn't know how to get it out...




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