Chapter 7: Storms and Wild Rides

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Together Rose and I informed Carlisle of her pregnancy and this never happening before he needed to look more in depth. He does not understand how me- a human- could have powers like the one I possess. Not that it is unheard of, but this one was unheard of.

A storm had been brewing since yesterday, so if Alice could see the future wouldn't she know that the weather is not appropriate enough to be playing baseball? Bella and I are normal we could get very ill or have a high chance of being struck by lightning, if I'm lucky. I think Bella would have more of a chance of getting struck than me.

"Do you think dad will be okay with Edward?" Bella had finished getting ready before me even though she showerd after I did. She sat on my bed as I pulled my rain coat on.

"I don't know, probably not. I mean you are his first kid." I know Charlie would not like Edward, but he does defend Dr. Cullen when people gossip wrongly about him. She muttered something unintelligible before standing. She was in deep thought as she pulled my door open with a faint thanks from her lips, before walking downstairs. It did not take long for me to follow her down.

"I thought you liked the Cullen's?" Bella asked Dad as he cleaned his guns.

"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town?" He turned to look at her over his shoulder.

"They don't really live in town," she countered matter of factly, "I really want you to meet him. He's right outside." Dad groaned and nodded.

"Alright, bring him in." He sighed as he locked up his gun again. Bella jumped, but went to go get Edward. I wanted to laugh at the exchange that had happened. but I was feeling a bit drained.

Bella walked through with Edweirdo and dad turned towards him.

"Hello sir, I am Edward Cullen" Edward did not falter and I praised his manners. Thought he lacked them.

"So, you are going to take my daughter out?" Dad eyed him with the question.

"Yes sir, the plan is to take Bella and Kayla to play baseball with my family." Edward replied with a sly glare at me. Hey what the fuck did do?

"Bella playing baseball?" Dad asked disbelieving as he turned to look at me then back to Bella.

"That's the plan sir." Dad just nodded and walked us out the front door.

"Have fun and keep them safe." He bid us a farewell, I hope he does something productive with his time.


I still could not figure out why they were intentionally playing baseball in a storm.

"Kay-Kay!" Rosalie shouted with a wide smile. I could see her belly protruding a little more, but it was mostly covered up by a large fur coat. Carlisle said it would take longer for her baby to develop.

"Wow Rose, you are glowing more than ever. How are you feeling?" Her hand goes to her stomach.

"Honestly, I am overjoyed. I had been under the impression this would never be an experience. You are my savior," I smile at her. I did this, I made this happen, I always help other people. My emotions hit me hard and I see Jasper fall to the ground at second base. His eyes boring into my own as if I caused it, I quickly push my emotions down.

Once he informed me that he felt my emotions like several tasers being set to his body.

"I'm sorry Jasp," I whisper, guilt tugging at my heart string, causing tears to spring in my eyes. He nods concerned, but even if he ever tried to project any calming waves to me it would never work because I'm immune to his empathy.

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