Chapter 13: Irrational goodbye

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The Cullen's were not in school today and Bella was going crazy.

"Maybe they're a bit off after what happened last night. Don't worry about it," I told her, trying to reassure her. It makes sense that Jasper would not be here, but it makes no sense that they were absent.

When we get home school, Edweirdo was waiting by his fancy valvo. We all made our way into the kitchen. I was very curious as to why he was acting so put off.

"Where have you been today?" Bella was quick to ask him after putting down her bag.

"Bella can we take a walk?" Edward asked very serious, she looked at me wide eyed. This is going to end badly. Those words are bad.

"Only if Kayla can come. "Her answer is immediate. I did not know where he wanted to walk so I would have joined anyways.

He took bellas arm with me following along towards the east side of the yard, where the forest spread out deeper and beautifully. I was quietly keeping my thoughts to myself and just enjoying nature.

I do not know how long we walked, but he finally stopped. We were barely on the trail leading back home. I could not even make out the house and that's not good. I stood off to the side as Edward leaned against a tree and stared at my sister with a blank expression.

"Okay, let's talk," Bella said after a few minutes. Finally, I thought no one would ever say anything. He took a fake deep breath before speaking.

"Bella, we are leaving." he stated They can't leave!

"Why now? Another year-"Bella asked confused. I could see panic written all over her face.

"Bella, it's time. How much longer could we stay in Forks, after all? Carlisle can barely pass for thirty, and he's claiming thirty-three now. We'd have to start over soon regardless!" Bella did not understand what he was saying, but I did, and in a way, I almost felt bad for her.

"When you say we-" she whispered.

"I mean my family and myself," he paused for a moment, "You can't come Bella. Where we are going... It's not the right place for you, and I don't want you to." His tone was so harsh I almost flinched. I could tell something was off with this whole situation.

"Edward, you promised you would not leave me," Bella begged him.

He just shook his head.

"Do not do anything stupid Bella. You have a family that needs you. Promise me!" he says

"I promise." she whispers in a state of shock with that he disappeared like nothing. It was getting dark, so I grabbed bellas hand.

"Come on Bella it is dark. Do you know the way?" I ask her worried because I don't. The only time I went inside of the woods was with the guys.

Bella started walking along and I did not know where, but we were just going in random circles or something neither of us knowing where to go. Bella was muttering about how Edward left her and all. I thought this would be good for her though she is always cooped up with him. I hope it is good for her.

but the moment that pale-face disappeared I knew this is where all the calmness in my life would vanish. It was pitch black now me looking for a way out of this cold forest which every few minutes the temperature starts dropping.

Bella is muttering and I'm shivering with chattering teeth. Al of a sudden we trip over what I assume is a log. My glasses fell, and I heard them crunch.

"No!" I yelled. I could not feel my hand, but I could feel Bella's wrapped around mine. Then the rain started, it felt like prickles of glass beating down on media could not see anything but hear bellas muttering as we lay stuck on the hard ground. I do not know why I could not move nor feel my body.

I did not how long had passed before the yelling of others could be heard.

"here," my voice cracked but I'm sure no one herd me. Then I heard a loud sniffing and crunch of something big like a huge animal.

"Bella? Kayla? "I heard a deep voice, but I couldn't see in the dark.

"Are you hurt?" the deep voice asked. I could not find my voice and now I knew what Rose felt like in the Titanic.

"It's Sam Uley," the voice said, and I instantly wanted to puke, and punch. and kill, but I could not.

I remember feeling a familiar pair of warm hands lift me up. I shivered more, but cuddled into the warmth. How can a person be so warm?

"I got you Kayla." I hear the voice of the guy carrying me, a voice I haven't heard in a long time, but I could not remember a thing only the coldness before falling in and out of consciousness.

I was falling in and out of awareness, but I held onto whoever the warmth came from.

I woke up feeling like crap. I was waking up this way a lot these days. I'm in my comfy bed. I snuggle deeper into my comforter staying warm is my priority. I never want to be cold again. I was angry at Edwards irrational choice to leave us in the woods.

Then I remembered Bella went crazy. I got out bed with a yawn. I looked down noticing I'm in a guy's T-shirt that looks very familiar. I take a quick shower putting on my comfy pajamas.

I creep into Bellas room where I see her sitting in her desk chair. I sit beside her on the floor.

"Bella are you okay?" I ask her the way she panicked after he left is not normal.

"Yea, he left I can't believe he left," she mutters looking out the window with a blank face. She did not even ask if I was okay.

"Bella come eat breakfast." I say pushing on her boney shoulder. She doesn't say anything as she falls out of the chair she just gets back up and sits in it.

I sigh when my stomach rumbles. I leave her going I go downstairs to eat.

A knock sounds at the door when I finish my bowl a cereal. I answer it seeing Jake. He smiles at me "How are you?" he asks not letting me go.

"I'm fine for now," I reply.

"Do you know where the Cullen's went?" I ask him as we walk and sit on the couch beside each other.

"I heard Dr. Cullen got a better paying job in L.A or something. But I do not know because you know,"

Me and Jake hung out for a bit but he mostly talked about Bella to my disappointment before he left.

I felt like crying.

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