Chapter 26: Wolfy Connection...

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So I am going to be making a new cover and changing the name for this book to go along with the next books that I plan on creating along with this one...

Only a few chapters left of this story.

The new name is going to be named "Dragged along"

Tell me how you like this part!!


I watch Jasper and Paul spar. Paul in wolf form and Jasper is, well Jasper.

Their keeping me away from everyone still. Their afraid I'll get too stressed out again when I'm finally feeling better. I just really want to talk to Leah because I know she needs me along with Seth I can just feel it inside of me somehow that the pack needs me.

I stand leaning against the wooden pillar that holds the porch together because I don't have my shoes on at the moment to walk around in the yard according to the two males in front of me but I am perfectly capable of walking around outside without shoes. There is a light breeze but it's a warm day so I have nothing to worry about.

Jasper's' golden eyes trained intently on Paul as they circle each other tauntingly.

Paul quickly lunges at Jasper not having the patience when he he's all riled up but jasper does some ninja flip over him causing Paul to hit a tree and a loud growl coming from him as if the impact really did not hurt him at all.

I giggle putting a hand over my mouth getting the attention of Paul who gives me a wolf glare while shaking out his silver fur with a snarl at Jasper whose milky white scar covered skin is covered by his long sleeved black shirt along with matching skinny jeans and a very nice pair of cow boy boots. His dirty blonde locks up in a man bun giving me the perfect view of his sharp jaw bones small sparkles appearing every now and again.

When I see that action from Paul shaking his coat it's like time slows down and I'm having some type of moment with his wolf. The sun makes his silky fur shine making me want to run my fingers through it because I honestly can say that I don't really get to touch him in wolf form and it makes me sad but it seems like a form of disrespect to pet him since he's so much more than that.

Paul's wolf emits a strong powerful aura one that even around Jacob it isn't noticeable. I'm not afraid of Paul or his wolf it's just I get this feeling that if I touch him as a wolf then it would...

"Kayla what are you doing?" Jasper's voice is suddenly next to me with his arm around my waist, hand resting gently over my belly keeping me in place causing me to snap out of my trance but still staring at Paul but now it's his wolf's black eyes instead of the brown. I didn't even notice that I'd started walking towards him. I can feel the mushy, hard mud on my bare feet now.

"I-I," I stutter not knowing what to say I mean it would be weird to just say I was staring at fur but I don't care. They don't care about my flaws.

"I want to Jasper, I need to," I plead with him as Paul's wolf stands straighter than before, the longer I stare I notice it is as if he's trying to win his girl but there is no need since I am his but it seems I haven't shown his wolf and I can't believe I'm honestly just now even thinking of this.

Jasper listens to my plead and with hesitation lets me go. I take careful steps towards his wolf my left hand resting over my belly. I stop in-front of him just inches apart never leaving eye contact. The wind blows hard as my heartbeat speeds up and I let out a soft breath as chills cover my arms.

This stare down is intense and I haven't a clue as to why I'm even doing so but I can't shake the feeling of power that emits from Paul, it's so strong. I stand straighter my hand dropping from my stomach. Paul's wolf snarls at me suddenly aggressive as he changes into a defensive stance and I can't feel anything anymore.... like I'm not in control of my body as I bore daggers into his eyes and soul. His wolf growls loudly as his feet kick at the dirt.

I've never seen Paul or his wolf look so torn because even a command from Sam can't break my stubborn Pauly so easily. His shoulders began to lower and I watch as his claws dig into the earth and louder growls are forced from his mouth and he bares his sharp white teeth at me protesting viciously. I feel my right foot lift from the ground and stomp once and Paul lowers even more!

What is Happening? Wait.... I've seen this before in science class when we learned about why wolfs travel in packs and their pack rules and ranks. The alpha has to teach his pack who's boss but in this situations there is no way it's the same.

Seeing Paul's current position. He's growling trying to keep his ground, His wolf is fighting back and the lowering, the way he shakes his back and forth.

I feel my right hand raise in the air my fingers spread apart and then that's when it happens.

Paul's wolf emits one more loud growl before he lowers all the way his front legs falling then his back as he lowers his whole wolf body and he whimpers showing me his neck. Submitting to me.

Paul stayed in submission "Look at me," I say softly not sure how he will react. I could hear a very faint thumping sound having no clue as to what that noise was coming from but it was like music to my ears.

He stands gently back to his full height growling at the ground before looking up at me his eyes still black but this time their small shine and I smiled at him as he pushed his nuzzle against my stomach like he'd done once before and I ran my fingers through his fur down the back of his head the soft strands sliding perfectly through. I closed my eyes loving the feeling as his wolf, as he rubes his head all the way up to my neck were we rub cheeks affectionately. His warmth heating me to the core as the wind blew stronger stirring the leafs.

I could feel his aura engulfing me more than before mixing with whatever it seems to be mixing with. I could feel power and tingles through every part of my body all the way down to the tips of my toes as time stopped as it did when I first felt the imprint. I opened my eyes to see Paul's coat glowing as my arms wrapped tighter around him as the magical moment seemed to increase in intensity and rain began to pour from the sky soaking us both and I shut my eyes once again the thumping in my ears growing louder, thumping along at the same rhythm as my heart and the growing baby inside of me.

I knew it was that moment that the thumping was in fact Paul's heart and that forever the three of us would have this undeniable bond with one another and one day soon Jasper Whitlock will be a part of this with us but for now this is the Packs moment because I could feel their connections inside of me too.

Something was happening and I didn't know what it was.



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