Chapter 5: Bella,Bella,Bella

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Rosalie brought me back home, the long drive gave a chance to talk to one another. Turns out we have a lot in common.

It helped take my mind of the fact that Bella was going to let that happen to me. Rose is obviously not human if she lived in the 1800's. I'm not the most gullible, but Rose seems to be the honest type, no sugar coating.

"Bye Rose." We give each other a hug in good bye.

"Thanks for everything," I do not want to let go. I was scared to go inside alone. No lights were on nor vehicles parked in the driveway.

"Yea, no problem. Your sister is a bitch and she needs to get her priorities straight." I agree as we let go of each other. I watch as she gets into her jeep. I did not see Rose a type of woman that liked vehicles, she does.

As I lay in bed, hair still damp my eyes close and I dream of the Quileute boys, and a very pregnant Rose.

Sam Uley's ability to steal my friends makes me not want to go near the Rez yet it would always be my favorite place.

My mind as I get ready is on everyone that has managed to leave. Mom left me. Bella left me last night. Jared, Paul, Embry, and now Quil have left me. It is all too much to deal with it's like I don't matter anymore. Call me selfish, I do not think people are always supposed to up and leave.

"Come on Kayla!" dad yells. I grab my purse and walk slowly down the stairs, I lock the door before going towards the cruiser. I love the cruiser It give me a sense of superiority when I ride in it.

Except during the drive to La Push dad doesn't say anything. We always goof off I do not understand why he has been ignoring me lately.

I am thankful when dad pulls into the Black's driveway.

"I'm going to go hang out with Jake!" I yell to dad seeing him already at the front door.

"Okay be good baby," he replies opening the door to the small cabin. I walk into the shed and see Jacob working on a vehicle as usual.

"Hey Jake!" I yell getting his attention. He is underneath the truck fixing something, I do not bother to ask what. He rolls from beneath and I interally laugh at the mess he has made of his hair.

"Hey Kayla. Where is Bella?" he asks looking around for her. Grease stains his white tank top and I frown. He wants to see Bella? All I know is that he took her to the beach and actually told her tribe legends. Soemthing he was not supposed to do.

"At the Cullen's..." I frown kicking the dirt on the concrete.

"Oh well dad disagrees with her being over there,I kind of wish she was her, but she makes me nervous," he looks so mesmerized at the thought of Bella.

"Umm, sure Jake." He continues to work on the car and all I hear is Bella this and Bella that coming from his mouth. I fiddle with a hammer that sits of away from the other tools. My mind had blocked out his voice, mabey I was this hammer now.  All alone, far away from everybody else.

"Jake, I miss Embry, Quil, and Paul," I cut off his sentence as I tap the head of the object in my hand against my palm, "Don't you ever wonder what is that has them going to Sam?" 

"Sometimes, I mean we have been friends forever, but I am not worried." My eyes dart over to him. His legs are long sticking from benathe the truck as if he was from Wizard of OZ. Mabey I should steal his shoes because clearly his head was put on incorrectly.

"I know Kayla, I know." Annoyance seeps through his voice. I frown even more than I already was. Was losing our friends meaningless to him now?

"You know what Jake!" I yell throwing down the hammer with a loud bang. If all he wanted to rant about was his intrest in my sister then I certainly do no want to hear it. All people talk about his Bella now and I am so sick of it.

"I'll see you when you actually care," I stomp from the shed, ignoring his calls for me to come back.

Not wanting to take dad and Billy from their time together, I stalk up the path in the woods I have been walking on for years. I watched bees fly pass me, squirrels run up trees, and the leaves falling from the trees.

Stopping after a while I sit down on a log, the bark sticks to my joggers and I ignore it kicking my feet against the dirt.

"Why me?" I ask looking at the sky. Two words. why me? What have I ever done that was so bad?

My head aches at all the unanswered question, the inability to understand why I have been dropped taking the worth I used to feel away.

A tear rolls down my cheek and that's the last tear I'm ever shedding. No one is worth my tears. I quickly wipe it off thinking of other things.

I feel droplets of water starting to drip  from the sky. I look up at the clear blue sky maybe the water will wash away all the pain and make everything better.

That was only wishful thinking because things like that just never happend, if rain could wash away all the bad then there would always be bland normalness.

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