Chapter 19: Thrown to the wolves..

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I was just lying in my bed getting as much sleep as I could  when Bella suddenly, once again, comes barging into my dark room.

She draws back the curtains and I groan.

"Go away Bella!"

"Come on. Get up Kayla,put on some clothes. We are going to LaPush." she states pulling the blankets off my body making me yelp from the cold. I'm only wearing an over sized long-sleeved shirt.

"You just went to LaPush and he told you to stay away Bella, why can't you just listen," I whine maybe that was a little harsh but he did tell her off a week ago or so. She came home crying and mad that he would just drop her like that. Then all of a sudden she had gotten a look of determination in her eyes.

"Come on!"she demands.

"Be down in 5 minutes, "she says before leaving my room.

I yell into my pillow and get up feeling very dizzy that I have to sit down for a second. I then grab my black highwaisted joggers with my burgundy cut off hoodie and shoes. You can't really tell about my baby bump, once again it just looks like I have gained weight.

I pull my hair into a pretty bun them quickly apply make-up so I don't look like how I feel...Shit.

I go down to Bellas truck and get in slamming the door. This is a bad idea and I tell her that as I look out the window watching the trees zoom past as she speeds towards Jakes.

I wonder if she would be all over him if she knew I was having his baby. That would surely put her in her place.

"I Don't care anymore Kayla. I just want Jake back, don't you?" She ask quietly. I do want Jake back, my best friend, not the one who gave me bruises and ignores me, but the one before Bella came.

"I do, but not the one you're talking about," I whisper to myself.

When we pull into the drive way Bella is halfway out of the vehicle before it stops. She jumps out slamming the car door as I had done earlier and then bangs on the door.

"Open up Billy! I know he is here."

It did not take long for Billy opens the door in his wheel chair confused.
I get out of the truck jogging towards them as Bella pushes pass him into the house.

"I'm Sorry Billy, "I put a hand on the back of my neck embarrassed a bit in front of my G-dad because Bella had been rude enough to barge into a home that is not hers without permission.

"No need to apologize baby girl, it's your sisters' stupid decisions," he says rolling back into the house as I stand out here by the rail. She's clingy and I am starting to think she has separation anxiety or PTSD.

She needs to leave Jake alone.

She comes storming out as I see Sam's gang emerge from the woods.

They started out curious and cautious as to why I was standing out here alone. I gave a small wave but When they saw Bella come running out the house like she was on a war path they all became furious in the same second.

Bella pulled me along with her towards the brooding man/boys. She was angry and thought she knew everything when she should just stay out of it.

"What did you do? He didn't want this!" she yells shoving Sam. The two boys flanking him Jared and Paul take a step forward only for Sam to calmly make them stand down.

I grab Bella's arm in an attempt to pull her back. In return she sends a sharp shove to my hip and I hiss at her. I could leave her to handle this situation on her own, yet I stay.

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