Chapter 36: Who I wanted to see the most...

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Time had substantially stopped before resuming as quickly as it stood still.

"Did you all feel that?" I ask looking up at Paul then to Jasper.

"I think so," Paul looks so confused and Jasper, mesmerized.

"Their powers are strong together,"

"I thought that...wouldn't they not have powers," I asked I didn't know what to say as I looked at my two babies that are now holding one another's hand.

"Kayla perhaps we need a talk with your mother," I agree. She hasn't answered any of my many calls or text and I did give up on getting through to her even though I wanted to tell her of her grandkids and ask her so many questions about that book.

She left without me for a reason, but how can I complete my destiny when I know nothing of myself or what I thought was my family.


Stepping into the dark house, I relish in the homey feeling. Being in the hospital made me miss this place and our bed so much. When I flipped the switch to the light with Paul and Jasper behind me I wasn't surprised for the big

"Surprise!!" is shouted in Unison from everyone I know. Tears prick from my eyes as Leah and Bella rush up to me throwing their arms around me.

"Congratulations!!" Leah shouts and laugh at their enthusiasm.

"I am so glad that you are okay," Leah pulls back and Bella smiles at me. She looks genuinely happy to be here.

"We all got you something," Seth announces holding a plate of good food that I can bet was made by Sue.

"Now where are my grandchildren," Dad pops up next and pulls me into a big hug kissing my forehead. Carlisle told everyone that I had delivered twins instead of the one baby we had all been waiting for obviously.

"I've been so worried about you,"

"I'm sorry," I whisper squeezing him and then letting go.

"Everyone gather around!" Paul shouts and I'm surprised the babies don't cry.

Everyone does as he says and I grab Leela while Jasper holds Leeland.

We aren't facing the family.

"Ready?" I ask him in response he nods.

We turn around holding the baby's in the air and gasp are let out from some.

"We present to you, Leela and Leeland,"

Bella speaks first "She's got white hair, their practically Identical except she's lighter" she steps forward towards me and that's when everyone erupts into their 'baby mood' as I like to call it.

Surprisingly I let Bella hold her first and her face brightened considerably.

Leeland was given to Dad and everyone crowded the two-people holding my kids and I felt content and happy seeing all of energy and excitement.

"Kayla, they are beautiful," I jump hearing Jacobs voice and we both laugh that he managed to scare me.

He looks good and healthy like the Jake he used to be.

" Thank you, Jake," I whisper pulling him into a hug and he hugs me back.

"I am glad that you're back," I whisper into his ear.

He quickly pulls back and I know that Paul most likely threatened him but I just continue to smile as if I had no clue.

"Why is Leela so pale?" He asks and I laugh hoping Paul nor Jasper heard him. They would most likely take it offensive.

"In the womb, she was fertilized by Paul," I look up at him to make sure he understands. He urges me to go on "it's very odd and unheard of but one little swimmer from jaspers sperm made it through my tube, and you know how vampires need blood to survive?" I ask making sure he is following me, he is. "well that little vampire sperm had a very tad bit of life indie of it. It entered the egg, which should have killed it, but luckily didn't. Since there was a full life sperm already inside somehow, they both connected to one another and became one, which is now Leela," I explain and by the end Jacob looks confused and a little pale.

"So, a vampire sperm ate a wolf sperm?" he asks but I don't get to answer as he runs off confused.

I laugh it off and look around the room, so many of our closest family showed except the Cullen family of course even though I wanted rose to come but I know anytime now she'll have her baby which calls for me to visit her with her niece and nephew soon.

But, who I wanted to see most at time like this, no matter how much she has hurt me, how much she made me feel neglected and unworthy, it made my chest tighten with my mother not being in sight.

I don't want to give up on her. I have no idea what she is going through, my imprint with Paul has never been tainted so I can't imagine how much pain she's been through, how she's survived this long is incredible.

It is easy to assume that she doesn't want to see me because it pains her, brings back the un-wanted memories that at one point where happy. The unwanted memories that at one time where the good memories, had disappeared over night for her I assume.

The good memories can become dark memories that we wish where never tainted and we could easily look back and say that was the best day that month.

I can't help that I resemble my biological father. It pains me to know that she can't be around me because her lover is gone and no one is telling me why not that I have asked anyway, but why forget a man of so much greatness in the first place. It has been as if he never even existed!!

I leave the room and go up the stairs to our bedroom and sit on the bed. I pull my phone put it shaky hands and I scroll through my contacts till I find her name. Mom, even though I had stopped claiming her as a mother I couldn't bring myself to change her contact name to Renee.

I click dial before I back out not ready for the rejection I know will be on the other line.

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