Chapter 32: The panic of Labor....

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Not the best update but I figured I should now....because it's been 84 years....




Leah POV

I pushed sweaty hairs from Kayla's face, her temperature had spiked but I could hear the baby's heart beat slowing then picking up every few minutes. D.J drove quickly and effortlessly fast through the dark forest filled road, Had I not known he was human I would have thought otherwise.

I wanted to puke, cry, and beat the living devil out of someone. How hadn't I noticed the signs earlier. Kayla had seemed fine in the house, every so often I would notice her have a wince in pain but I waved it off since Paul had told me she's been having Braxton Hix and gets moody when someone says something about it. It's a wolfs sense and I couldn't detect it.

Her eyes are barley open and the smell of blood and amniotic fluid is loud inside of the car. Pregnant people aren't supposed to bleed!

The loud bang onto of the car jolted me from my thoughts and I could only now smell Jasper, being too occupied by the girl whom is practically my little sister and Godchild made my senses cut loose.

"Paul is behind us," Jasper slides into the backseat lifting Kayla's feet into his lap, He was quick to place a weary hand over her stomach concern visible in the way his perfect brows furrowed at the sight of the girl he loves bleeding and passed out.

"It'll be fine," Jasper assures kissing her forehead. He's calm in the situation, but Paul.... I know him isn't. He's probably fuming. The hospital comes into view and Jasper doesn't wait to hear me out as he in the blink of an eye that any human wouldn't have noticed swept her into his arms and was by the double door with Paul in cut off shorts rushing into the emergency room with our precious cargo.

"Oh my gosh this is my fault," I cry me and DJ had made it out of the car and I was frozen in shock at how lifeless she'd seemed in my lap her skin pale and sweaty.

"It'll be fine babe," DJ wraps his arms around my waist holding me close. DJ and I met at one in the morning when he'd seen me out by myself holding a suit case and pure full of twenty dollar bills. It was the only night that the pack could get off their patrol duties and I was taking it for granted as they were all asleep. They wouldn't have to know that I was leaving and Sam wouldn't have to force me to stay and be a part of the pack.

"It's going to be okay Leah, you have to calm down and call her family," he runs his hands up and down my back in comforting manner. He is right I must get it together everything will be alright.


I was by her side with Jasper as Carlisle pushed her gurney "Her heart rate is too high," he says with two other Doctors I'd never seen before. A Blackman with dreads and an Asian man it was easy to tell they were vampires and I didn't want to trust any of them with Kayla alone.

They were spewing words I had no idea what they meant all I could see was her and worry about the life growing inside. She's sweating her face red with heat. They'd removed her leggings before ever getting here and the blood sliding down her legs was enough to make me want to murder. The anger coming from so strong that I was heating until I felt the calmness take over me and I was thankful for Jasper now.
Nothing matter but her faint heartbeat and the fast beating of the on inside of her.

I couldn't lose her to this. I can't lose her knowing that I'd screwed up so much.

"C-section" Dr. Kaiju's thick accent is barely audible.
She can't leave this world without making her mark even greater, she can't leave so young.

"High temperature, Fetus heart rate is too fast-"

"We need to remove her clothes now," Cullen instructed and they began cutting off her garments and attaching wires to her fragile body and all I could do is watch helplessly.

I look over at stone face Jasper and it angers me at how he could look so put together in this moment. The girl we love could possibly be dying.

"Out! Get them out of here!" It was then that Kayla's beautiful eyes open and a scream erupted from her throat as she gasped for air.

I feel arms wrap around me trying to pull me from the room and I do everything I can to stop them. I can't take my eyes off her, her heart is slow and I can feel it in me, her pain.

"Paul you need to calm down," Sam commands me and I try to listen to him bit it's not easy my imprint is in there.

It takes Jasper, Sam, and Jacob to pull me from the room forcing me into the hall where I punch the wall out of frustration and anger feeling my knuckles crack and instantly begin healing.


Her whole pregnancy she had been well besides her back pain and inability to walk alone at times.

I knew this could be an outcome of her baring a wolf baby inside of her but for her to begin the birthing process I didn't imagine that Paul and I wouldn't be there with her, that she wouldn't be awake for it.

It's not easy when I can feel her emotion which sometimes I would get multiple odd emotions coming off her that I couldn't comprehend, not once had it been anything grave and being in this hospital having my ability isn't the best.

I can feel all the emotions in this hospital and its overbearing to be where death is lurking close and not far, not to mention the sadness and despair in every corner, which gives me even more reason to stay away from the public.

I stand next to Paul surveying the waiting area everyone has shown up to show their concern for our girl, Charlie is still making his way to La Push in the police car with Sue and Seth.

Bella is sitting on Edwards lap bawling her eyes out, the first time I'd seen her with any sympathy towards her younger sister that she actually meant and I can say that she's grown in the last month. I made sure to set Edward straight in Italy and now Edward serves me, it's one thing to challenge a middle-aged vampire but to challenge an older vampire it isn't all too good. Leah is the most devastated she had been there and id blaming herself for not noticing things sooner being comforted by DJ.

Leah deserves the comfort, many years she's gone through pain without the comfort and losing her father and so much more didn't help her mental state. The small fact that when she had tried to skip town she just couldn't was something only I seem to know.

"She'll be okay," I assure Paul knowing that our girl is strong and she's been through so much to not make it through now. I never seen myself coming back to this life to continue my alliance with the LaPush natives, not even Edward knew this far into my Past and I've only known them for what seems a short period. I'm Major Jasper Whitlock a discipliner, and on too many accounts I've had to set Edward straight because I've been in this life far longer than he has.

"I know man but I need to see them I feel it in my chest, I could feel her pain and I can feel her weakened pulse right now," Paul is worried and stressed beyond me and even my empathy in a hospital can't do much magic unless I used full juice and I try not to, I can be mean but to inflict amnesia on the innocent isn't right.

I know that Paul and Kayla have deep bond I'd had it described to me when John Smith was still alive, back then their whole pack was effected by him and Renee she was their den mother she was the woman they went to in time of need and dependence.

It's a dangerous power to have this bond they've created it can either break them or make them and for the sake of us all and all my power I'll keep it together as time goes by. I'll strengthen her and is bond when the time is right after she makes it through this and whatever else comes.




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