Chapter 18: Huge Wolves...

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The party was 2 weeks ago and I'm fine. Tyler and Jessica are together now and that's great, maybe she won't be so uptight anymore and having a better prom date. Jake has disconnected Bella since the movie night.

First it was Jacob has mono from Billy. She asked me to call too and I did. I was worried Jake is as healthy as a horse he never gets sick and its very sudden that he got sick.

I'm sitting on the couch eating some grapes watching Scary movie 2, in my Green Bay hoodie and dark skinny jeans I can thankfully still fit.

I have a little bump but it only looks like I have gained some weight and nobody's asked questions so it doesn't matter seeing as I'm 3.5 months along -I did the calculations- and should really go see a doctor.

The movie was at the part were the weird man with the messed up hand stuck it into the mashed potatoes when Bella comes stumbling down the stairs rather loudly. It ain't my fault Jacob won't talk to her.

"Get up! We're going on a hike" I just blinked at her, Dad has been getting reports from the station about hikers being killed in the woods and that is what she wants to do.

He even told us to stay out of the woods.

"I want to find a place I always used to go to and I don't want to go alone and dad is always saying safety is important and always have a buddy." she said hesitantly, I noticed how she acknowledged that she's done bad things but didn't apologize for it.

I guess that it's the best I was going to get out of her and I really couldn't be bothered with another argument because I'm sick of being stressed out.

I got up with a huff putting on my converse and thick coat and following Bella somewhere out into the woods.

After a while I asked the question that had been on my mind.

"Do you know where we are going Bella?" I was walking beside her.

"I am looking for a meadow" she says with a determined voice and look in her eyes.

"Was this the meadow you and Edward always used to go to?" She flinched when I said his name. She's still not over him, I would think taking Jake and what not she would be fine. After how long and chaotic her depression was and how she has clung onto Jake and now he's not talking to her. She is slipping up again, I knew this would happen.

To be fair after dating a vampire who broke up with you and left you in the woods lost and alone would make me drop him in a heartbeat. We could have died.

We finally reached the Meadow. Bella looked broke, the meadow is dead, nothing left but dead yellow grass from the cold. She bent down to pull a piece while I looked around and my eyes widened when I saw dark flesh.

I quickly patted Bella's shoulder and she looked up and saw Laurent who suddenly appeared in face to face talking distance.

I gasped and Bella stood up. "Bella, Kayla. I came to visit the Cullen's but the place was empty." he said and circled us slowly, as if we are his prey. We could be but he wouldn't hurt us? I mean didn't he go to the Denali's?

"I am surprised that they left you behind. Not so much as for Kayla, that came with you." he looked at my sister.

I glared at him. I am not just some extra deal. I hope.

"Do the Cullen's visit often?" he asked. Bella jumped as if she had seen a ghost.

"All the time," Bella stated.

"I will tell them that you stopped by, why are you here?" she asked as if someone told her to say something like that.

"I came as a favor for Victoria" he said. His voice sounding melodic. I cringed at the thought of the beautiful redhead that's a monster.

"Victoria wouldn't be happy about me killing you." he said looking at the ground, my eyes widened in fear.

Bella just has to drag me into everything I want no part in it. I hate my sister for dragging me into all this rubbish. She's like a magnet to the vamps, a never ending vampnetic.

"You see Victoria isn't happy about Edward killing her mate. So she sees that it's only fair that she kills Edward's so that he could feel the pain that she felt when he killed James." he continued as if telling a happy story That done nothing to help calm my nerves. James messed me up and he got what he deserved.

"But you helped us. Edward wouldn't be happy. He's very protective," Bella argued.

"But he's far away isn't he?" he questioned her. He vamped up to us. Cupping Bella's face in his hands as a comforting gesture.

" Don't worry, you won't feel a thing. I will kill you quickly whereas Victoria planned to kill you slowly and painfully," he said to Bella gently. Oh no, I can't let this happen I'm not a killer or going to watch a murder happen to my sister even if I don't like her. I'm not evil.

"Please don't," I begged pathetically, not trying to witness a death.

But he just threw me backwards onto the ground. The wind being knocked out of me and I felt pain.

I'm in the tree lines, I was thrown so far no wonder it hurts!

I saw Laurent put his hand up to kill her and I heard what I guess was supposed to be her last words.

"Edward I love you" Wow! It's not like you have a family or anything with your selfish ass.

But then he suddenly he... stopped as a growl erupted from somewhere. I looked around and saw horse sized wolves emerging from the woods.

I was in shock, huge wolves bigger than horses if not the same sizes but bigger. Their so beautiful, better than the pale faces. But vampires seemed to be more dangerous than them I feel like their protecting me or us.

They give off that kind of vibe as they growled and snapped.

The wolves looked at me before charging at Laurent who turned to run.

What vampires ran away?

A russet colored one passed me and stopped to look at Bella in the eye or to check her for damage before it rushed to join in with the fight.

I felt a soft nudge and looked up to see the fur of silver wolf brush past me and gasped as the weird tingling sensation his wet nose left in it's path.

Bella got up from where she fell back and turned running towards me as the russet wolf took off with a snarl. She was running towards me.

At least she thought about me finally. My back hurts like hell. She grabs my arm panicked.
"Come on Kayla!" she yells and helps me up.

"Ahh!" I yelp as pain goes through my lower back tears springing to my eyes.
"My back hurts!"I grit out.

"Kayla, come on," she whispers her voice cracking as she helps me limp/jog to the house as good as I could.

As soon as we got home, Bella ran to dad and my back was doing a bit better. "Dad I saw them" she says panting. I just caught up with her and went straight for a glass of water. I was so out of breath and scared. I kept my mouth shut those wolves saved us? So why snitch?

"I saw them in the woods. They're not bears, they're...they're wolves" she says like her mind has been blown.

"What the hell were you two doing in the woods?" dad asked.

"You saw them? Wolves?" Bella nodded in response.

"Harry can you round some guys up for a hunting trip?" dad asked. Harry looked startled but said sure before going to use the phone.

"Just stay in the house. Both of you" dad said as he followed Harry. We nodded,as soon as dad and Harry left the house I slid down the cupboards for a breather. Bella just went up to her room.

Thanks for the concern I thought as she disappeared.

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