Chapter 35: Double L names...

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I woke up today and decided I wanted to make the first update of 2017




I still haven't had the courage to let the family come see me and the babies. it feels so wrong that out little girl isn't going to get to meet them yet so no one can meet them till she's able to come and be in my arms which will be soon.

"We need to know what you would like to name your babies?" A new nurse was in here now I thought she worked as the receptionist in the maternity ward but I'm not positive.

I rock my son in my arms as he sucks on breast. At first it was uncomfortable but then I found it soothing that he took to my nipple so willingly. I want absolutely no form of detachment with either of my babies.

I look over to Paul but he's watching our son nurse intently not caring about the woman's unwanted presence. I smile kindly at her "We'll need a minute," She nods silently leaving us to our privacy.

"Pauly," he looks up at me with a huge grin on his face. I've never seen him this happy ever and I'm glad that becoming a father meant a lot to him.

"Leeland, we can name him Leeland," Paul suggest and I like that name. I look down at him his eyes are open aware of what's going on.

"How does mama's boy like that name. Leeland," He makes a gurgling sound and we decide that Leeland will be his name.

"Leeland and Leela" I bite my lip we hadn't decided what we would name our kids but I do know that our little girl had practically two fathers and that giving them a last name will be difficult.

"A whole new last name," Jaspers voice echoes loudly and I look over startled a bit by his appearance.

"Jasper! You scared me," I gasp holding Leeland tighter against my chest.

"Sorry love," He caresses Leeland's cheek and his little hand is quick to attach to Jaspers cold one before he can pull away.

"He's strong little pup, I can sense the gene inside of him,"

"I can too, there is also something else in his aura, I have no clue what it is though," Paul voices this and I wonder why he hasn't brought this up to me, but we can discuss this more later. I don't know why but I feel like this extra something may be from me. I survived them cutting me open and almost losing my babies.

I've felt well in the past two days, I'm still a bit sore in my midsection where they made the incision line but Carlisle say's at the rate of my healing the stitches must be removed today some time.

"We are off topic and we need to think name wise, what last name did you have in mind Jasper," Me and Paul look over at him and he grins making my heart skip a beat. I would love to incorporate every one of our last names but it seems we have a unique family now.

"Simply, Smith,"

- - - - -

After getting my stitches taken out I was allowed to go see Leela. Japer had talked to Carlisle and Eseme about getting the legal documents to change our last names and I found it very heart warming. I know I'm underage and all but I have the right to be my own person.

I hold Leeland securely in my arms as Paul wheels me down to where our Daughter is, Jasper is already there. He's always there and while I nap Paul and him will be down there together.

Of course, I should tell Charlie about the arrangements to be made but I haven't really had the chance to call anyone, after all I did send them home. I hope I hadn't given the wrong message by getting them to leave.

I look into the incubator and see my little girl, the blood is in her cheeks now, her eyes are open and staring back at me, she has less cords attached to her and I giggle when she kicks her little feet.

"You can hold her now," Jasper says and I look over at him wide eyed. I didn't think I would be able to hold her just yet.

"You haven't held her, though right?" I ask pointedly. I want to be the first one to hold my girl properly. My hands have itched to have her in my arms to hold her against me, to watch her feed from my breast like her brother.

Tears leak from my eyes "I really can?" I ask looking at Jasper then Paul who both nod at me vigorously.

I look down at Leeland "You hear that buddy, I get to hold your sister," He lets out a small whine and it makes me happy. I suppose he misses his sister too, they did after all share the womb together.

Jasper hands Leeland off to Paul and helps me stand. "The doctor said it's fine even though she still has the one cord hooked to her?"

"Yes, soon the oxygen mask will be taken off and she'll be ready to go home, considering everything else in her fine,"

She had been switched over to a regular incubator that had only two whole that allowed the cords to go through and now she is easily accessible to me.

"Where are the nurses?" I wonder before I do reach in for her.

"Over there," he points behind him moving out of my way so I could see "they just recently had a baby boy come in that needed an emergency surgery that was successful he just needs to be monitored closely," I nod watching as three nurses surround he infant. I hope he stays well.


I reach my hands down already feeling the pull from her, one hand sliding underneath her head her white curls soft, the other slide under her lover back and I grasp her lifting her while holding my breath.

I don't breathe till she's against my chest safely. "Oh goddess," I whisper feeling relief that she's fine and officially mine, in my arms for the first time.

"Leela Mommy has wanted to hold you for a while now," I say caressing her cheek, she's nothing I've ever seen before. She's got a small button nose and rosy little lips. Her cheeks are full and so grabbable like her brothers.

"This makes me so Happy," I cry looking at the two men in front of me as I rock my girl back and forth.

"Here let her see her brother," Paul brings Leeland closer, I hadn't noticed that his blue wolf blanket had been removed from around him so he's only in a green onesie that says 'I'm a heart stealer' which is true.

When their skin touches though, a wave of electricity full of power fills the room causing everyone inside to freeze.




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