Chapter 29

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We were in my brothers pack or my pack. We had to discuss our plan and arrange how we are going to live, I'm taking two of my "family" while the other ones stay in Xavier's pack. That was my arrangement but like always Andrew likes to change things and get in my way of doing what I want. So here we are in my brothers stupid office waiting for Xavier to make the choice of who's plan is the best.

"I think Lelia's plan is great. I mean I don't want to be taking care of four or five people who can kill my pack in the middle of the night. I mean I don't want the demon in my pack so he's yours and I don't want the crazy vampire witch either so take him-"

"Wait no! Jared's mate is in my pack and I don't want to take one unmated wolf and I'm sure as hell don't want to take a demon with me," Andrew was standing, staring at my brother. I was just sitting there watching like if it was my favorite show.

"I'm sorry Andrew, I know you care about my sister-"

"Yeah I freaking love her," Andrew interrupted my brother and my brother looked annoyed and growled at him.

"Like I was saying, you care about her way to much but I don't want my soldiers to be killed by some powerful monsters. Heck I don't know what to call them because they are a mix just like Osiris and my little sister here. Just take Kai and Jared and go, I'll just handle Osiris and the girl. I'm sure my sister will handle the two evil guys that will now belong to your pack," Andrew looked tensed up and my brother looked tired.

"Dudeeee can we just go to sleep," I whined and my brother an my mate turned to me and Andrew just nodded. "Yeah princess we can go," he turned to my brother, "we will leave tomorrow morning so make sure you tell the demons." Andrew turned to me and pulled me up by my hand.

"Leila," I turned to my brother and he looked at me for a moment, "I missed you and I can't believe you are something special and dangerous. Just know if you every need help or backup I'm an hour away and also a call away." I smiled at him and walked out of the room.

I made my way to the room Xavier had so politely said was mine to keep. When I got to the door I opened it and saw it was mostly white well except the blanket of the bed. Everything was white, the curtains, the desk that was in the corner, the chair too, the doors and the walls. The bed stood out the most because it was black while everything was white.

"Heaven and hell," I said and I saw Andrew look at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean, princess?" I turn to Andrew, keeping my eyes on him I closed the door and he looked away for a moment and looked back at me.

"Andrew I'm not the same anymore. That's what I meant, heaven and hell, Xavier knew I wasn't going to be the same and this is what I told him to do. Make the room like heaven and hell, black and white but of course mostly white because heaven always wins," Andrew looked at me in the eyes, he looked sad and hurt.

"Why did it have to be you? I was already breaking your walls and now I have to do it again," he stepped closed to me and held my hands.

I did feel bad, he was right, he was already breaking my walls, I was getting comfortable with him, I was falling in love with him. I still am.

"Andrew I will always be the same but things happen and sometimes we have to change. I love you babe and I will always love you no matter what. If your just a werewolf that won't live for a long time then I'll figure something out," he looked at me and he looked like he wanted to cry. He smiled and came closer to me and put a hand in my cheek and caressed it. "I love you too and I want to be with you no matter what. Are you welling to change me into something more?" That question got me thinking, if Osiris bit me and I changed by just mating and I'm like Osiris then I'm welling to change him but will I be able to handle the pain? The same pain he went through a year ago? I smiled at him and pecked his lips, "I'll do anything to be with you." He gave me a cheesy smile and kissed me with so much passion and love.

He pushed me to the wall and kissed me hard. I missed this feeling, the feeling of love and feeling complete every time I was with him. "Andrew I missed you so much and I'm sorry for everything that I have done to hurt you," I stopped kissing him and looked at him in the eyes. Andrew looked down and the smile that he had a minute ago was gone now, did I say something bad?

He gave me a sad smile, "let's go to bed, you must be really tired." I nodded and made my to my bag to get my pjs and changed. After I changed and took of the little makeup I had I got in bed and then later felt Andrew's presence. He put a arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest.

"Good night princess. I love you baby," he kissed my head and I snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too."


I hope this chapter makes it up for today. This chapter is a little boring but I'll try to make it better.

Of you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them.

(Any mistakes, I'm sorry)

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