Chapter 31

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Leila's POV

I turned around slowly to look at Andrew, I glared at him. "Andrew? What did you do?"

He looked nervous, he gave me a sheepishly smile, he started blushing and was rubbing the back of his neck. "Eh..uh..well.. I didn't really do much," I glared at him and I started moving my hand up and down his arm and then put them around his waist, I smiled at him sweetly.

"Babe what did you do?"

He gulped and I knew he wouldn't last long on keeping whatever he was hiding.

It was quite for a moment.

"Iaskedthemermaidstohelpmeturnintoahybrid," I was taken back by his fast respond. "Babe can you say that again but slower?"

He sighed and pushed me away gently, "I asked the mermaids to help me turn into a hybrid." He looked down at his hands like if he thought he was in trouble like a little kid.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "When?" He's head snapped up, "when what?"

I rolled my eyes at him and stepped closer to him, he was leaning by the counter so there was no way out. "When did this happen?" I wasn't mad but I felt betrayed because he didn't tell me about doing this.

"It was like 3 or 4 months after you died, Xavier doesn't know, not a lot of people know that I did this. Look, babe, I thought it wouldn't work but it did, Aurora is more powerful then you thought and she proved it," he was smiling at me and he put both hands in my hips.

"Proving what? That she can easily turn you or anyone into a hybrid?! The hybrids can't be alphas unless you have a hybrid pack but that won't happen!" I pushed myself off of Andrew and walked away. He doesn't know what will happen with his title, a hybrid can be in a normal werewolf pack but a hybrid can not be an alpha of pure werewolves.

I was by my room when I heard my name. "Leila!" I closed my eyes and stopped walking, I opened them when I felt hands gripping my forearms. "Leila I already talked to Aurora before hand and I just finished talking to the council by phone," I furrowed my eyebrows. "Andrew the council is my pack, you talked to Xavier about it?" He nodded, "He blew up on me but said he will accept this pack with an alpha hybrid. He said just to make sure no one knows about how I turned," I don't t know if it's my brother doing it for me or he was just to lazy to change things around.

I sighed and leaned my head on his chest, his arms went around me in a hug and kisses my head. He pulled of a little and smiled at me, "we're having a baby!" Of course he would be excited for that.

"You know you will have to start resting, no more fighting, no more training and definitely no more wars," my eyes popped out and I stood up from the bed.

"What! You just took my life from there!" He just shrugged, "you have to do this or I'm taking you with me whether you want to or not, remember Osiris is there so he can check up on you and see what he can do."

I started shaking my head, "no, no, no, no, no, NO. You are crazy, I'll stay here, just can I at least train, give the commands?" I hoped he says yes. Please, please say yes.

He sighed, "just training nothing more and I'll make sure Andrew knows," he gave me a smile and kissed my forehead.

I scoffed, "trust me he is on my throat already, he doesn't let me go to the bathroom without him walking me to the door and waiting for me," Xavier just chuckled.

"Then I trust him on this," he gave me one more smile and left the room.

It had been a week and today he had to come because was my birthday but he was coming anyways because he wanted to talk about my arrangements. Got he's so annoying.

'Yeah it's because I care you idiot, I'm your brother and next time disconnect yourself from anyone you are connected with,' I rolled my eyes. I still didn't know how to control this, I do the normal things I did when I was a werewolf but now it doesn't work. I need to learn how to concentrate and control myself.

'I'll remind you about it when you see Kai or Osiris.'

'Goddess no Lexi, not Osiris.'

'Fine but definitely Kai.'

'Yeah fine whatever.'

"Where is my birthday girl?!!" I rolled my eyes and gave Andrew a small smile.

Yes I was mad at him for what he did but I guess he just did it because he loved me and wanted to be with me forever like he planned. "So I was wondering If you wanted to see how the baby is," he looked nervous, he was rubbing his neck and walked slowly to me and he looked at me with sad eyes.

I sighed and moved closer to where he was, "I'm not mad anymore, I won't go snapping your neck like 3 days ago," he let go of the air he was holding. "Oh thank to the goddess because I just came to check on you," I was confused, was he scared?

"Andrew are you scared? of me? or the baby?" He looked like he was thinking and I hit him in the arm, making him jump of the bed with a yelp. "What was that for?! You know for a small girl like you sure can hit," I smiled at that and he just looked at me with loving eyes. "I love you, baby. Don't ever forget that okay?" he held my face and kissed me passionately. Goddess I missed his lips so much. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck, the kiss was soft- innocent.

He pushed me down so I could be lying in bed, "You know I have wanted you like this for a while?" he had stopped kissing me to tell me this and then continued kissing me again but this time it got a little heated. His hands started roaming around my body and then I felt his cold fingertips in my skin, under my shirt. I guess its been to long for him to not kiss me and have me like this at times, after I came back the soldiers and my brother told me how he was acting, he was drinking which he doesn't really do, he was hurting people- I was surprised at that- he was breaking stuff which I knew something was different about the house. Zack even told me he had seen him smoke cigarettes, he never does that and being Andrew's best friend he knew him well and he said he never in his life had smoked.

I made sure to forget about the thinks that they told me when I woke up and continued kissing Andrew like if my life depended on him. He started kissing my neck making sure to kiss where he marked me, making me moan his name, he just growled when he heard his name. He tugged at my shirt signaling me take it off, so I did.

Goddess I hope I don't die tomorrow like I did a year ago.

So happy holidays, I hope you had a great holiday with your family.

I have been writing this chapter since the other upload and I decided to finish it today. Also the book will be finishing in a couple more chapters 😓

Hope you like the chapter and I would like a little more ideas on what you want to happen in the book.

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