Chapter 32

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The doctor couldn't see what the baby was so Kai being a powerful witch decided to do it. Andrew didn't want to at first, he would get all mad for Kai touching me but then Kai knocked some sense into him by snapping his neck. I was shocked at first but Kai told me to calm down since he's immortal now and he can't die easily.

So Kai had me lay in my bed with my belly exposed to the air. I was 3 week pregnant and for a powerful person like me I was suppose to have the baby in 10 weeks, I thought it was going to be like 6 months like every werewolf have their babies but Kai said I was more power and so was the baby. While Kai was doing some witchy stuff in the bathroom with some solids and liquids I heard a groan from my left. I looked to the corner of my room where Kai tighten up Andrew to a chair and put some witchy spell on the chains for him not to be able to break.

Andrew groaned and looked around, he must have had his neck soar because he moved his head trying to make his neck comfortable. He finally saw me in bed with my belly in the air.

"Did I drink or something because I feel like I have a hangover," he tried to get up but he couldn't and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah that's what happens when someone snaps your neck," Kai stood by the bathroom door with a small bowl in one hand and a necklace on the other. Andrew growled at him and tried to get up from the chair. "What the hell did you do to me?! And what are you doing to my mate?!"

Kai walked to the table that was next to me and placed the stuff. "Calm down I'm checking what species she's having. And for you.. Eh I put a border spell on you so you couldn't get up from that chair," he smirked at Andrew and them turned back to me.

"Okay doggie let's see what breed your having," he smiled at me and I growled at him. He got a small amount of the stuff in the bowl in his hand and rubbed it in my fat belly, he dipped the necklace in the liquid that looked like oil that was next to the bowl and moved around my belly. He started staying some words which sounded Greek mixed with Latin. I was staring at him and I heard Andrew growl and I took my eyes off of Kai and looked at Andrew to see him glaring at me but it looked like it went more to Kai. I rolled my eyes and turned back to see what Kai was doing, he was still doing the witchy stuff in my belly and I suddenly felt a kick in my stomach.

"Kai whatever you are doing the baby is not liking it," the kicks felt so painful I couldn't bare it but to scream. "Kai let me go! I need to be with her!!" I heard Andrew scream and then I heard like a bang sound. I don't know what was happening but it hurt like hell, 'Lexi what the hell is going on with me?!'

'Its the baby, its coming sooner than later,.' 

'What?! its not possible I'm just 3 weeks pregnant its suppose to be 10 weeks!'

'This baby is not normal, trust me this baby will cause a lot of damage on the earth even in heaven and hell.'

What the hell if she talking about?

"She's going to need to have the baby right now there is no time," I looked at Andrew and he was next to me in his knees looking scared like if he saw the devil himself. I turned to see Kai to ask him why I should have right now but what I saw was weird, "Kai?" I was scared to ask the question myself but I guess he understood. He looked at me and nodded, "This is the baby everyone wants, this kid is special and to tell you the baby is a girl is more exciting," I gasped at hearing it's a girl and then I heard a thud, like if someone fell or they hit themselves, I turned to look at Andrew but he wasn't there, he was instead in the floor. I wanted to laugh but held it in and leaned over to check on him while Kai was laughing, "Babe are you okay?" he got up slowly and rubbed his head. "We're having a girl! I got to excited about it and I must have past out," I laughed a little and patted his head, "get up and get in here with me." He got up and sat next to me in the bed, I was excited but scared to know that it's a girl and a powerful one.

"Leila there is no time to think, the girl is not letting me see what I want to see, she's blocking me. How? I don't know but this kid has to get out now," I was kind of scared to have the baby but its giving me more pain than anything, "You know what go for it," I couldn't bare the pain so is now or never.

"Let's have a baby!"

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

This chapter was short but I wanted to update since I didn't update as much this 2 weeks that I had off.

The book is going to end very soon, maybe like 2-3 chapters left yeah sadly😢 but there will be a second book and guess who's book is going to be!!!!??? Andrew's and Leila's daughter!!!! It will be connected with this book so it is recommend that you have read this book so you can understand the other one but I guess you can read it as a alone book.

Thanks to the ones that read my book when I started in 2015 so thanks to the ones that stayed till today. Love you guys❤️

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