Chapter 33

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Leila's POV

I screamed in pain. "This is your fault Andrew!" I grabbed Andrew's shirt and pulled him closer to me. "I'm sorry baby, just keep pushing it'll be over soon I promise," he gave me a kiss in the forehead. "It's easy for you to say since I'm the one having the baby!"

Andrew's POV (5 hours later)

I was holding my baby angel. Leila was sleeping since it took her energy out, the baby was a girl, she came out perfectly healthy which Kai and the doctor were surprise about. While Leila was having the baby I mind linked Zach to go buy some diapers and some little new born clothes. Kai had lost Leila for a couple of minutes, yes she died after she delivered the baby and I screamed at Kai to bring her back. I wasn't thinking on taking care of a baby on my own without her having her mom, so he did some witchy stuff and brought her back.

We were in the pack's hospital just so the doctors could keep an eye on Leila and the baby but I just wanted them to keep an eye on Leila, she's the most important one. I was looking at the baby in my hands, I can't believe I'm a father.

'Yeah I can't believe it either,' well that sounded offensive.

'It was meant to be offensive you moron! You never planned on having a baby and I didn't even want one! I don't know anything about babies!' Ugh he was panicking now, I just shut him out and looked at the baby. She was so beautiful, she had really light hair and that took me by surprise because Leila and I have dark hair not blonde/white. I looked between Leila and the baby, well they do have the skin color right, I wonder what's the eye color.

I heard Leila groan and I looked up to see her rolling over so she could be facing to the roof. I got up of where I was sitting and walked to her, "hey baby, how are you?" I touched her cheek with my right hand while I had the baby on my left. "I'm fine I guess, ugh the light is so bright," I laughed a little. "What?" she asked me with annoyance. "Babe the lights are off," she looked at me confused but didn't say anything else, she looked to my left arm where I had the sleeping baby. "What are we going to name her?" I shrugged and thought at what my mother had said to me when she told me that if I ever had a kid to name them Cameron. I don't know why but she always wanted a baby named Cameron, I looked at Leila and she was looking at the baby with what looked like tears. "Baby..... why are you crying?" she sniffed.

"I wish my parents were here to see her, to see that I had grown up to have a kid and to have a wonderful mate," she looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "Babe everything will be okay and I'm sure your parents are proud about you, about becoming a strong woman. I know you have been through a lot but everything will get better. I know we didn't plan on having a baby but it happened, it sounds like it was accidental but what if it wasn't? maybe she was meant to be born and be here with us," I was sitting next to her holding one of her hands while she looked at me and then at the baby. "What are we naming her?"

"How about Cameron?"

"Isn't that a boy's name?" I shook my head. "It can be a girl's name too, I think it will suit her when she grows up and also because my mom always wanted a Cameron," I gave her a big geeky smile, she just laughed, "You are crazy but I love you." She pulled me down my the shirt so I could kiss her but then I remembered I had a baby in my arms, "Babe I have Cameron in my arms," she looked to her and signaled me to give it to her, so I did. "I'll be right back, I have a meeting in a couple of minutes but I'll make sure to come back right when it's over," I kissed her for head and got up. "I love you Andrew," I turned around to see her smiling at me and I smiled back at her, "I love you baby." After that I made my way out of the room and then made my way out of the hospital.


I walked into my office to see Osiris sitting in my chair. I cleared my throat and closed the door behind me. "Oh hello my friend," he looked at me with a sickly sweet smile, it kinda freaked me out. "What are you doing here?"

"A little birdie told me that Leila had a baby to which I didn't know about."

"Was it Kai?"

"Well that's the thing, I see everything when he does magic so I saw her die and come back and I saw the baby. Do you even know what kind of baby that is?" I wasn't in the mood to talk to this psychopath. I just kept looking at him.

"That baby is a new breed and let me tell you, that baby will be good and bad to our world. I don't know much but a couple centuries ago I saw one like that and it was my sister, she was the first one and when she turned 18 everything changed for her," I was confused by this, why did he want me to know this? "What does it have to do with Cameron?"

"Oh so the baby is named Cameron, good because it will be hard to see if it is a boy or girl when they hear about her."


HORRIBLE CLIFFHANGER!!!! But anyways I wanted to update for you guys so here it is. I'm not sure if it all make sense so I'm sorry about that.

The book is almost done sadly but there will be a second book on the daughter Cameron.

I have 2 projects to do in which one is due tomorrow and the other is due Tuesday and I just started today, wish me luck. #procrastination💁🏽

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