Bonfire Night

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Rebekah was trying to poor herself a beer, "You all right there?" Stefan walked over. "I thought Tyler would be here." Rebekah stated looking around the bonfire "you're into Tyler now? That's kind of fickle."

"When you're willing to give me the time of day again, then we'll talk. Until then, a girl has needs." Elena then arrives and pours herself some beer. "Excuse me." She tries to get through Stefan. "Elena, hi. What are you doing?" He gives her a confused glance. "I'm having fun, Stefan. You have a problem with that?"

Elena was playing the part well, She drinks the whole glass of beer. "All right, take it easy. We both know you're kind of a lightweight." Elena glares at Stefan, "Uh-huh. Really? You think I'm going to let a blood addict tell me how to drink?" She turns and leaves. Stefan follows after her.

Damon and Valerie walk over to where Rebekah is now seated. "What? No friends your own age?" Rebekah thought something was suspicious. "Like you can talk" Valerie giggled to that.

Rebekah brings the burnt marshmallow to her mouth. "Is this supposed to be fun? I've been through 10 of these." Valerie couldn't understand why she couldn't do it. She almost wanted to laugh. "No, you're just looking at it all wrong. This is a little rough on the outside." Valerie knew Damon was about to get his flirt on so she left.

Valerie decided to get drunk with some of her friends from school to avoid supernatural drama. It was until she saw Rebekah and Damon she knew that could never happen.

Rebekah stands up giving a pointed look to Damon "You're distracting me. Why?" Damon stands up as well "Just trying to be a good housemate." Damon gave her a sarcastic smile "There's never a fair fight between us, Damon. Remember that."

She then stabs him with the marshmallow stick, Valerie runs over and quickly pulls it out before anyone sees. "You okay?" She asks him in concern. "Yep, just dandy."

Whilst Elena is distracting Stefan, Valerie started to get into the car. She heard commotion and knew it must of been Stefan. Elena opens Alarics boot and Alaric puts Stefans body in it.

"I see all the geniuses came out to the bonfire tonight." Alaric makes a snarky comment. Gas on the ground starts burning and the flames make toward the car. Alaric's car burns too, with Elena in it. Alaric tries to open the door but he can't. "Elena! Elena! Open the door!" She tries but fails.

"I can't! It won't open! What the hell?" She panics. Alaric runs to another car to see if anything could break the window. He found a lacrosse stick.

Alaric returns and tries to break the door window with it but it doesn't work. Elena tries to break it with her feet but it doesn't work either. The fire is stronger.

Meanwhile, Valerie is near to a panic attack, she's focusing on her breathing. She looks around the car for anything, she realises Alaric's hunting stuff is in there. She reaches over and grabs a knife. She punches the window with it with as much force as possible. She succeeds and starts to crawl out the window, "Elena!" She calls her go get out.

Elena crawls out but shouts "Stefan!" Valerie looks over to the car. Suddenly, the boot opens revealing Stefan wide awake.

They all run to the side, the car blows up.

Sorry this was a short chapter, I was just skimming over the important bits, because this half of the episode is only one main scene.

And there will be Valerie + Klaus in the next chapter.

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