Dangerous Liaisons

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Valerie pulled up at her driveway, and got out of the car. She picked up her bags and walked up the path. She placed her bags down as she got out her keys. She noticed two envelopes on the step. She picked them up and placed them under her arm as she balanced all her things.

She walked into the house to find Elena, Damon and Stefan chatting in the kitchen. "Hey, Valerie! You're back" she smiled at her and hugged her. "I'm back, oh and we got post." She handed her the envelope that had 'Elena Gilbert' written on the front and she kept the one with 'Valerie Gilbert' written on it.

"What is it?" They opened them to find an invitation. "An invitation, please join the Mikaelsons this evening at 7 o'clock for dancing, cocktails and celebrations." Confused Stefan asked "who the hell are the Mikaelsons?" Valerie looked up at him "the Mikaelsons, you know the enemy family we've been fighting this whole time?"

"Oh wait, there's a note on the back" she read it out loud "Elena, I think it's time we finally meet, Esther" they all sighed. "Does yours have anything on the back?" Valerie turned her card around to find as well a note, "Valerie, Save me a dance, Fondly Klaus." Their eyes all widened, "wait, Klaus has a thing for you?" Damon asked.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Valerie said "nothing bad, nothing bad, it's just, we could so use this against him" Valerie shook her head no, "you are not using me in your little plans." Damon sighed "okay, okay!" he surrendered as Valerie glared at him.

Later in the day, when her sister had gone with the salvatores, the doorbell rang. Valerie answered the door to see a large box with a white bow on the front. She picked up the box and put it on the table inside. She opened it to reveal a beautiful dress. It was black and white with black lace on the top of it. She gasped at the sight of it.

Confused, she looked around the box to see if it had any name on it. No sight of it she sighed and picked up the dress placing on her bed as she began to get ready for the ball.


Valerie entered the large house and caught the attention of many men as she took of her jacket. Klaus saw her and stared at her as she walked near him. She looked around, trying to find Elena, she saw her and walked towards her. Before she made it Klaus stepped in front of her, "Good Evening." She looked up at him as he looked at her taking in every feature on her face.

"Klaus" she stated "I assume this dress was given from you?" He smiled and answered "you would be correct." She smiled and saw that Elena had moved from where she had previously been standing.

Her attention was brought to Elijah standing on the staircase. "If everyone could gather please. Welcome, thank you for joining us, you know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance, tonight's pick is a centuries old waltz. So, if all of you could please find yourself a Partner, please join us in the ballroom."

Klaus turned towards her "so how about it? Dance with me?" He reached his arm out for her, she thought about it, then smiled wrapping her arm daintily around his. They walked towards the ballroom as Ed Sheeran's Give Me Love played.

Valerie gasped as she heard the song play. Klaus turned to her as they began dancing, she caught his glance "this is one of my favourite songs" he smiled "I'm glad you came." She nodded "well it was either this or sleep" she answered. He chuckled. "How is your arm?" She saw the concern on his face "it's much better now, thanks"

He moved the conversation "you look beautiful in that dress" she blushed slightly "well it is a pretty dress" she then swirled into the arms of Elijah, he smiled at her and she returned the gesture "hello Elijah" having met before he had been daggered Valerie was aware of who Elijah is.

"Hello, Valerie, may I say how stunning you look tonight" she blushed for the second time that night. "Thank you Elijah, you look handsome as always" he smiled at her friendliness. The song ended and Valerie smiled at the original. "Nice to see you again, Elijah" he nodded "you too, Valerie."

Valerie was looking at the horses and softly stroking their noses. "You like horses." Valerie looked up at Klaus and he stood next to her. She nodded "they are a beautiful animal" he nodded in agreement. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked out of curiosity. "Because I fancy you, is that so hard to believe?"

She nodded "yes!" Klaus spoke "why, you're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light, I enjoy you" he smirked at her.

"You know, horses are the opposite of people. They're loyal. My father hunted me for a thousand years and the closest he ever came was the day he killed my favorite horse. He severed its neck with a sword as a warning." Valerie frowned. "How could someone ever kill a horse, they bring no harm." She sighed, secretly enjoying the small moment that was being made together.

They stood in silence as Valerie continued to get adored by all the horses. Klaus looked to her with admiration. "Well, I need a drink, I'll see you later." He smiled "I'll hold you to that."

As Valerie stood at the bar, she felt a presence next to her. She looked to find a cute man. She smirked at him, as he looked at her. He turned to her fully "I'm Kol Mikaelson, pleasure to meet you." He kissed the top of her palm as he greeted her. "Valerie Gilbert."

She walked away from him with a smile. She walked up the stairs to find Kol vanished and Matt walking towards the balcony. Kol appeared in front of him and began crushing his fingers, breaking them. Valerie ran towards them, "stop it!" Kol looks towards her, he glares at her but stops what he's doing.

Damon rushes over and chucks him over the balcony and snaps his head. People run out of the house and look towards Damon. Damon looks towards Elena and says something. Valerie can't hear it as she's too far away.

She walks away from the balcony and searches around the beautiful house. She goes inside a random room, and looks at the stunning paintings hung around the room.
"One of my passions." She turns around to see Klaus. "Are these yours?" He nods. "So what, stolen from the biggest art gallery I'm guessing." He chuckles and shakes his head.

Valerie looks towards the sketches on the tables in admiration "Wait a second. Did-did you do these?" Klaus nodded "Yeah,
um...actually one of my landscapes is hanging at the Hermitage, not that anyone would notice. Have you been?" She nodded "I love art, I'm not very good at it myself, but I admire the artists creativity."

Klaus wonders if the girl in front of him can get anymore impressive. "Well, I must go now, my bed is calling my name." Klaus smirked. "Alright love, goodnight" she smiled "goodnight, Klaus."

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