Humanity Switches

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Valerie gasped for air as she woke up.

Quickly remembering where she was, she stood up fast but immediately groaned as she felt an undeniable pain in her head. She pulled her hands to touch the back of her head and felt a slight dampness.

Her hand moved to her eyesight and saw dark blood painted on the top of her fingers. She groaned silently but ignored the blood and looked around the large cave.

Her eyes widened as she gasped and ran over to the dead body on the floor. "Jeremy!" Her hands shook as she turned his body on the floor and looked for a pulse.

Tears well up in her eyes as she couldn't find one. "No, no, no." She whispered out. She placed her hands on his chest as she started to perform CPR. "COME ON!" She sobbed as he didn't wake up.

She fell on him as he cuddled his body in a form of comfort. Tears streamed down her face and her body shook.

She heard a quiet groan and her head shot up to see Bonnie laying in the corner. "Bonnie?" She ran over with red marks all over her face from crying.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She nodded in reply. "Katherine gave me some of her blood when she was 'Elena'." Valerie nodded and wiped her tears yet again.

"W-we need to get o-out of here, Silas is gone and we need to get his body out of here." Valerie couldn't even bring herself to say his name.

They both heard footsteps and a figure revealed to be Elena. She spotted Jeremy's body and ran over to it. She clutched his arm to her chest as she sobbed.

"Jeremy! Oh, no. No. No. Oh, god, no. Oh god..." She checks his hand; the Gilbert ring is still on his finger. "It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. You're gonna be okay. The ring will bring you back. It's okay. It's okay. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, Jeremy. You're gonna be fine."

After that, Stefan entered the cave in shock at the body laying in Elena's arms.

"How did this happen?" Damon exclaimed as Elena sat on Jeremy's bed waiting for him to wake up.


"And now Elena's upstairs waiting for a dead Jeremy to wake up even though he won't." Valerie nodded as she paced up and down.

"What about the cure, or Silas?" Stefan sighed. "If there was anything in there at all, it's all gone." Groaning, Damon asked again "Where the hell is Bonnie?"

"I have no idea. She went looking for Jeremy last night. She never came back. Damon, Elena is in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life." Damon nodded "Okay, fine. I'll wait with her."

Damon walked upstairs whilst Valerie furrowed her eyebrows again. "Where's Klaus?" Stefan shrugged "I'm guessing he ran."

"How long has she been like that?" Valerie gasped in surprise as she didn't realise Caroline had entered the room. "Ever since we found his body. She hasn't said anything except that she's waiting for him to wake up." Caroline nodded slowly as if she was collecting up the information. "But he's not going to wake up. She knows that, right?"

Stefan holds a finger up to his lips to silence her. He walks over to the sink and runs the tap, using the noise to cover their conversation. "Look. Deep down, I think she has to, but we're talking about Elena here. She feels grief more powerfully than anyone else. I think her denial is the one thing protecting her from letting it all in."

Caroline sighs "But she can't stay like that forever." Stefan nodded "I know, but I don't want to be the one to break her out of it, not until we know that Bonnie is safe, not until we get Damon over here to, you know--"

EVERLASTING LOVE ( KLAUS MIKAELSON ) ONEWhere stories live. Discover now