Impossible Events

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Valerie lay in her bed as she felt too ill to stand up. After throwing up yesterday, she had been continually being sick.

She knew something was wrong but couldn't understand what. She hadn't done anything recently that could of lead her to be ill. Suddenly the door to her bedroom swung open and the face of Caroline was revealed.

"Hey Caroline?" She was confused as to why she was there. "Val? Are you okay, I came to check on you." Valerie smiled at her. "You have more important things to be doing Care." Caroline shook her head as she disagreed.

"No, you are my friend, and friends come first." Valerie smiled sweetly at her in thanks. "Really though, I'm okay, did you find Bonnie yesterday?" She nodded for an answer. She looked as if she was hiding something but Valerie shrugged it off.

"Wait. Are we the only people in here?" Valerie nodded but furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Yeah, why?" Caroline looked around the room. "How come I can hear three heartbeats?"

Alarmed, Valerie looked up. "What!" She then jumped out of the bed and looked around in panic. Caroline, who had now released where the heartbeat was coming from, frowned at Valerie in confusion.

She moved towards her stomach and placed her hand on it. Gasping quietly when she could feel the undeveloped heartbeat tapping against her.

Valerie gulped. "Caroline, please tell me this isn't what I think it is." She begged her but Caroline just smiled empathetically at her. "But i-i don't understand, I haven- oh my god." Valerie released she had slept with Klaus, she then remembered he was a Vampire. He can't reproduce.

"But vampires can't-" Caroline looked up in alarm. "Who Klaus? Please tell me you didn't hook up with Klaus." Valerie looked down in sadness. "But surely it can't be his, vampires can't reproduce because well, their dead."

"Well I haven't been with anyone else." Valerie looked as if she was going to break. She couldn't take all this drama. Her brother had just died and now she was pregnant?!

"Maybe there was a loophole? I mean he is part werewolf right?" Valerie groaned in frustration. "He's not going to believe this, let alone want to be in the babies life."

"You're going to tell him right?" Valerie looked away from her gaze. "Valerie! It's his right to know." Valerie sighed. "I know that Care! But is he really going to want to be apart of its life, realistically no!"

"He cares about you right?" Valerie's eyes softened. "I think so." Caroline nodded. "Then surely he wouldn't just leave you." Valerie nodded at her words. "Look, I'll go visit him once I've got dressed." Caroline nodded and grinned at her.

"You know what, I think a baby is just the thing to solve everyone's differences around here." Valerie grimaced at the thought of having to carry a baby for nine months.

"Whatever, leave now I'm getting dressed." Caroline just waved and left, leaving Valerie to sigh in frustration.



Valerie had just arrived at his mansion to speak to him about the baby but, he was nowhere to be found.

She searched every room until she finally came across one that had Klaus in. "I need more time! Stop hounding me!" Valerie furrowed her eyebrows and walked closer to him.

"What are you on about? I haven't 'hounded' you at all!" Klaus looked up at her. "Valerie? Is it really you?" Valerie rolled her eyes. "Who else is it going to be? Damon?"

Klaus looked down. "Prove it to me." Valerie scrunched her nose up. "Prove what? That I'm not Damon?" Klaus looked agitated. "Silas was here, he pretended to be you." This shocked Valerie and she moved closer towards him. "Are you okay? What did he want?"

"He wanted the cure, he kept bugging me for it." Valerie's eyes softened and suddenly Klaus screamed out and clutched onto the chair next to him. "What's wrong? Klaus!" Valerie stood still not knowing what was wrong. "Silas stabbed me with the white oak, there's still a piece inside me."

"Well what do you need me to do?"

He looked down at a pair of bloody pliers and answered her. "It's simply really, I just need you to cut out the piece of steak." Valerie gulped as she looked down at the pliers herself.

She picked them up and dug into the small hole in his back from where he had tried himself to get it out.

"Klaus, I can't see anything." Valerie groaned in disgust at the ribs she saw. "Keep searching it's there, I can feel the splinters scratching against my heart."

"There's nothing there! You must be imagining it." She chucked the pliers away. "What are you doing? I'll die." Klaus looked up perplexed. "No you won't because there's nothing there."

Klaus sat still and just stared at Valerie with a face that looked like he was thinking. "Why are you here?" He was still in pain but until Valerie decided she was wrong there was nothing he could do. "U-uh it doesn't matter, it's not important."

Klaus furrowed his eyebrows as his looked like he was trying to figure her out. Valerie had gotten really nervous suddenly and was edging closer to legging it out of there.

Suddenly, Klaus shot up, free from pain. "It stopped hurting, the white oaks gone." Valerie smirked "Told you, you were imagining it." Klaus shook his head. "It must of been Silas, he made me think it was there."

"Lucky you weren't dying then." Klaus just smiled at her and Valerie returned the gesture.

So... Valerie didn't tell Klaus oh no. Also, I have published the summary of the sequel and I'll start updating on that once I've finished this book!

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