Easy Way Out

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Valerie sighed as she placed the bouquet of flowers by the small ungrown tree she had planted.

There was a small stone slate that had the words 'In memory of Jeremy Gilbert' engraved into it. She had already started the grieving process for when someone special passes away.

She had already gone through the denial stage and now she was in depression. She thought that making a small funeral with herself would make herself feel better. She smiled slightly as it did lift a small inch of sadness of her loss.

She knew she would never get over her brother being dead. Dead. She still couldn't bring herself to saying that word though. It was like her throat became all clogged up and tears well up in her eyes.

Although that is normal, she felt strange. The loss of her closest family member made her loose touch with her friends over the past couple of days and she had no idea about what kind of trouble emotionless Elena was doing and to be honest she didn't care at all.

"I miss you, Jer."

She sighed once more before turning around and heading to the forbes household. This was where she had been staying ever since the house burned down.

Damon had tried to convince her to stay at the boarding house but, she didn't want to be around Elena. Not when she would most likely hurt her when she couldn't take it.

She decided to call Caroline before she went there, to make sure she was actually in.

"Hey care, where are you?" She asked this as she could hear lots of shouting in the background. "Oh hey Val, Elena has decided to throw a party at Stefans so I'm watching over her."

Valerie sighed in frustration. All she wanted was a normal day where she would go 'home' and sleep. But no, Elena just had to go and cause trouble.

"Alright Caroline, I'll be over in 10."

She then hung up and made her way to the boarding house, mentally preparing herself for what she would kind of mess she would see.

Valerie could hear the loud music as she walked up to the big house. She sighed as she let herself in.

Her eyes widened as she saw hundreds of people partying all over the house. She was expecting a party but not this.

It was when she saw Elena, happily dancing that she got angry. How was it fair that she didn't have to feel the grief of Jeremy dying. It wasn't fair. Valerie wished she wasn't going through this but she couldn't. She had to stay strong for herself.

She quickly left the house, hoping that Caroline didn't spot her and decided to go to Klaus' house. She needed a distraction and knew exactly how to do it.


Valerie knocked on the door as Klaus answered it. "Valerie? What a nice surprise." Valerie rolled her eyes. "Well it's nice to see you too."

The house was empty apart from them and Klaus was pleasantly surprised to see her there.

"I haven't seen you around recently, how are you coping?" Valerie looked down then shrugged. "I don't want to talk about it." Klaus then furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at her.

"No offense love, but why are you here then?"

"I want to forget." This small sentence made Klaus look up surprised yet again. He knew exactly what she meant but didn't know why she came to him. I mean, he had feelings for her and vice versa but he didn't realise she had that many feelings.

He went to open his mouth but was cut off by Valerie kissing him quickly.

Caught up in the moment Klaus kissed back equally as rushed. He quickly flashed them both to the table that was in the room as Valerie quickly pulled his top off, breaking the kiss shortly. "Are you sure about this, Love?"

Valerie kissed him again and whispered. "Yes." That small word was all Klaus needed to realise that Valerie really did want him.

Valerie then pushed him down onto the table as she moved on top of him. Klaus simply smirked as she took control of the situation.

Klaus then flashed her to the bottom as he left trails of kisses down her neck and she moaned.


Valerie woke up next to Klaus on a bed. She didn't know how they ended up there but she didn't question it.

She grabbed her top from the side and pulled it over her head. She sighed in regret of the night before. She then shivered as she felt cold lips kiss the back of her neck.

"Not regretting already are we?"

She sighed but smiled at him anyway. "Of course not." He then smiled back at her in happiness.

He felt as if he finally got the girl. Although having sex didn't mean they had a relationship but he hadn't had feelings for a girl in a long time, let alone for a human girl.

"I've gotta go meet Caroline, I promised I'd go see her today." Klaus just nodded and she got up to walk out of the room. "You might want to put some pants on" Valerie then blushed as she realised she was stood with her panties on.

She quickly looked around the room for her jeans but unsuccessfully didn't find them. She then saw the cheeky grin on Klaus' face and realised he had them.

"Give them to me Klaus." She reached her hand out for them but Klaus just smirked at her. "I don't know what you mean sweetheart."

Valerie then walked over to him and pouted. He falted for a second at her cute face but then returned to normal but gave her the jeans.

She grinned in victory, "who knew the big bad alphas weakness is a puppy face."

Klaus rolled his eyes at her and decided to get up himself.


When Valerie met Caroline the first thing she saw was rubbish everywhere.

Caroline was walking around with black sacks and was throwing away everything. "Val! Thank god you're here. The whole place is trashed, wanna help?" Caroline sent her a sad face as Valerie sighed and nodded.

Caroline then grinned at her. "Thanks Val."

"So, how are you? We haven't really talked in a while." Valerie nodded "I haven't really spoken to anyone really, I mean, with Elena without emotions and Jeremy being de-". She cut herself off, gulping.

Caroline smiled sympathetically at her as she tried to comfort her. "Hey its alright, it'll all be over soon." Valerie nodded as she prayed she was right.

Valerie then took one of the bags from her and went around picking up empty and full cups. Every once in a while she would drink one, to get her through this boring hour.

"If you're going to drink, might I suggest something stronger?"

Valerie jumped at the sudden voice. "Klaus, are you suggesting I get drunk?" Klaus smirked "Of course not, I mean it was funny last time." Valerie's eyes widened, only just remembering that night.

"Oh my god, How embarrassing." She turned her face away to hide her red cheeks as she continued to tidy up.

"Well, I'm trying to concentrate so go away." Klaus groaned and was about to say something when Stefan interrupted. "Actually, I asked him to be here. We need his help. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls."

So, this has to end soon BUT I'm going to do a sequel. Now you're probably thinking how are things going to take place well my friends. I will be changing some of the storyline to fit my fanfic.

I'll probably update really soon unlike usual because this is a really good part!

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