Alaric's Departure

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Outside the school, Jeremy, Matt and Valerie are waiting to be told where Elena is. "Elena's near the crypt." Stefan came out of the school. Valerie nodded "Let's go then." Klaus came out and shook his head at her "not you, just them." Valerie glared at him "Are you kidding me? It's my sisters, it's my responsibility." Stefan cut in "Klaus is right Valerie, Elena won't like it."

Valerie smirked and crossed the barrier. "Well there's not much you can do about it when you're stuck in there, bye!" Then her and the other two humans started running.


Esther hears a noise and walks outside. Matt, Valerie and Jeremy are there pointing a rifle and crossbows at Esther.

"Don't move!" Valerie then shouted out "Where's Elena?" Elena comes outside. "Jeremy, Valerie!" Jeremy glared at Esther "Let her go." Esther smirked "How foolish of you, to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you. But if that is your choice."

Esther uses her magic and makes Jeremy and Matt turn and point their weapons at each other. "Matt! Matt drop your gun!"
Matt grew panicked. "I can't! I'm not controlling it!" Valerie walked up to Esther "stop it!"

Alaric comes up and stabs Esther from behind. He looks down to see the cut on his stomach where Esther stabbed him. "Oh my god. Where's my ring? Tell me what happened."

"Damon's here. And Klaus took Esther's body." Alaric sighed "Does he know about the stake?" Jeremy shook his head "No, only that she tried to turn you into a weapon and failed. What's going on?" Alaric looked down "Listen Jeremy, Valerie, I'm not gonna complete the transition. My dark side was dangerous enough as a human. I can't be a vampire."

Valerie looks up "So, what we're just gonna lock you in here and let you die?" Alaric doesn't answer her. "No, no we can't!" Jeremy protested. "Listen, guys, it's the right thing to do, okay? After everything that's happened, after all that I have done. Maybe I had it coming." Jeremy turns around and walks away.

"Hey, wait, Jer...Alaric this isn't your fault." Jeremy stops and turns around. "Please, you guys let's not make this any harder than it already is. You three should go. Damon's here. He'll make sure it'll all go down the right way." Jeremy starts walking.

"Hey, hey..." Jeremy sighed "Don't. Don't give me some crap speech about how I need to be the man of the house." Alaric looked up "Okay, I won't." Alaric hugs Jeremy. Jeremy walks away. Alaric turns towards Elena and Valerie. There are tears in their eyes.

"This is all my fault. You moved out, you gave me your ring back, you didn't want any part of this and I, I forced you to stay and take care of us." Alaric looked at them sympathetically "Don't do that, okay. Taking care of you and Jeremy and Valerie has been-has been the closest I've ever come to the life I always wanted." Valerie hugs Alaric and cries.

Alaric looked away with tears in his eyes "You should go." They all walk outside to find people waiting for them. Alaric looks at them all and smiles sadly. Elena walks over to Stefan as Valerie walks away completely, deciding to go home and deal with herself.

Small chapter just because I find this episode so emotional :(

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