Vampire Detox

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When Valerie came back to the Grill Elena was beginning to leave. "I'll grab Jeremy. I'll be right back." Elena walks off to find her brother. Damon walks up alongside Alaric. "You know, I've had enough vampires today, thanks." Damon turned towards Alaric. "Oh, come on. Have a drink with me. We've got trouble."

"No, you've got trouble. See, we're not a team. You tried to kill me. All right? We're not friends. I don't like you anymore." Valerie rolled her eyes at Damons constant nagging. "Ah! But remember back when you liked me and we conspired to kill Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?"

"Yeah, and?" Alaric didn't know why Damon was bringing this up. "I think he's still a little pissed."

Valerie left to go home, hoping to have a somewhat normal day. She unlocked her door and went up to her bedroom. She sat on her bed ready to have a nap, being the lazy person she is. Before she could sleep she noticed something laying on her desk. She walked over to it and saw an almost identical Archery Bow to her old one.

She saw a note next to it, she picked it up and read it.

Sorry for breaking your bow, love.

It had no name, no signature, nothing, but she knew it was Klaus. She wondered why he cared about her bow. Maybe he's trying to win over her friendship so he can use her against her friends.

Valerie sighed placing the note back onto the table. She picked up the bow and headed into the woods, she felt as if she needed to test it out, she hadn't shot an arrow in what seemed like forever.

She lifted her bow and aimed at a can she had put on a tree stump. She was just about to shoot when she felt someone was watching her, she turned to the side and gasped in shock. Her real mother stood there. "Isobel?" she asked in surprise. "Hello, Valerie."

"How are you here? I thought you died?" She was confused. "Look, I haven't got much time but I needed to tell you, I'm so proud of you and Elena" Valerie's eyebrows raised in shock. "I had my humanity off as I couldn't cope with the feeling of leaving Alaric"

Valerie dropped her bow onto the crumbled leaves. "Please try not to be turned, it will ruin you." Valerie felt tears well up in her eyes. She felt as if she finally had a mother figure again. She ran and went to hug Isobel but as soon as she wrapped her arms around her, she disappeared. She looked around the woods in confusion. Had she imagined that.


After that event, Valerie was wide awake so she decided to go back to the grill to see if anyone was still there. She saw Elena walking into the Grills Restrooms , Valerie followed her. They enter the restrooms and sees Jeremy and Anna kissing.

"Anna?!" Valerie is surprised whilst Elena feels angry that Her brother has cheated on Bonnie with a Ghost. Anna looks surprised.

Elena's phone rings, Caroline is calling her. "How do we do that?" She asks "Apparently the old witch can draw power from this side because of her talisman." Valerie stands there impatiently,

"Talisman...My necklace?" Valerie's facial expression went from bored to confused. "It's some ju-ju power source. And I know you're not going to like this, but Bonnie needs to destroy it."

Elena scoffed, "I just walked in on Jeremy kissing that is the reason I'm completely okay with that." Caroline gasped through the phone "What?! Are you kidding?" Elena nodded "I wish. Look, I don't have the necklace. Damon has it somewhere. Text him. I'll call you right back."

She hangs up and looks at Anna. "Elena..." Elena turns to Jeremy and rolled her eyes. Valerie turned to Anna, whilst making a disappearing sign with her arms "You need to disappear or evaporate or whatever it is that you ghosts do." Jeremy tried to argue back "Hey, it's not her fault." Valerie scoffed "You're right, it's yours."

Anna then disappears. "How did this happen?" Elena turned to Jeremy "I don't know. Okay? I don't know. It did." Valerie turned to him "how does it just happen?" She rolled her eyes. "Elena, please. You can't tell Bonnie." He begged Elena "Don't worry. I'm going to let you do that. Right after I help her send the ghosts away."

Valerie and her sister leave. Outside the restrooms they run into Lexi. Elena is surprised, and Valerie wonders who this is.

"Looks like today was a good day to be thinking about me, Elena." Realisation hit Valerie "Lexi?" Lexi turned towards Valerie "Mm-hmm. You must be Valerie. Come with me." Elena asks "Where?" Not knowing Lexi had Stefan held hostage somewhere. "Ripper detox 101. Crash course."

She takes them by the wrist. Elena stutters "I..." Lexi shows her an annoyed expression. "I'm sorry, did you not just say how desperate you were for my help in saving Stefan's life?"

Elena turns her head and looks at the restrooms doors and then looks back at Lexi. "Let's go." Elena and Valerie leave with Lexi.

Stefan is tied to a chair in the basement sleeping with his head down. Elena, Valerie and Lexi are looking at him.

"Klaus really did a number on him, huh?" Valerie's heart fluttered a little remembering the gift she had recieved earlier. "He compelled him to turn off his humanity."

"Well, we're just going to have to convince him to turn it back on. I have to warn you, it's not going to be pretty." She looked towards Elena "I can handle it."

Lexi kicks Stefan to wake him up. "Wake up, sleepyhead." Valerie was really starting to like Lexi. Stefan wakes up. "How you feeling?" He looks at the chair and the chains and struggles trying to get them off.

"What is this? Let me out of here!" He yells out and Elena looks sympathies. "Shh. Inside voices, please. I'm trying to get inside your head." Valerie chuckled. "Elena. Get rid of her, please." He begged.

"No." Valerie rubbed Elena's back in comfort "First step, drying him out. Starve away the blood lust. Strip away the temptation." Stefan looked over to Lexi putting on a fearless cover. "This isn't going to work, Lexi. You can't do this."

"You heard the not pretty part?" She turned to Elena "I heard you."

Lexi leans in front of him and looks Stefan in the eyes. "What are you doing?" He suddenly starts groaning in pain. His arms and hands start to desiccate. "What are you doing, Lexi?!" Lexi glared at him annoyed "Doing what I do best, sweetness. I'm saving your life."

"I'm starving! I'm starving! I'm starving! Let me out! Let me out. Please let me out." Elena and Valerie look away, not being able to face their friend and boyfriend in pain. "What's happening?" Lexi answered "He's hallucinating. That's three months without any blood." Stefan was getting wild and was getting cranky. "Let me out!" Lexi continued her speech, "Now he's at nine months."

Stefan looks worse and worse. "Two years...Five." Stefan glared at her in disgust "Did I ever tell you how glad I am that you're dead?" Lexi smirked back at him "Oh. I missed you, too, friend."

Elena's phone rings. She leaves outside the cell, looks at her phone to see Caroline calling her. Valerie follows her out, as she couldn't bear it in there anymore.

"Hello?Caroline" Caroline answered "So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon." Elena sighed, "Listen, I need you to get Bonnie to hold off on sending the ghosts back." Carolines eyes widened, "What?! But you said you were in full support of getting rid of them."

Elena thought of the best way to say this "I was. I am. Look, Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan." Caroline nodded through the phone "Okay, let's just find it first and then we'll choose between boyfriend ghost dramas."

Valerie decided to leave, there was no need for her to be there. When she was leaving she realised she hadn't imagined seeing her mother. And she smiled, truly happy for the first time in a long time.

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