The New Deal

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Jeremy, Valerie and Tyler are together. Jeremy shoots a can with a crossbow and hits it. "Nice shot!" Valerie sighed "So what's the point of this again?" Tyler spoke "The point is I'm pissed at Caroline and Bonnie dumped your ass and you know how to teach Jeremy to shoot. The point is to get drunk and shoot stuff." He directed that to Jeremy.

"Profound. Alaric finds out I took this he is gonna use it on me." Jeremy reloads the crossbow. "Eh, I'll cover you" Valerie shrugged her shoulders as she aimed her crossbow. She shot an arrow and it landed directed in the centre of one of the beer cans. The liquid spilled out. Jeremy clapped and patter his sisters back. "Well done sis."

Tyler nodded "So what's the deal with that? He is like your guardian now?" Jeremy shrugged "Sort of, yeah. I think he feels responsible for us." Tyler asked "Do you like him?" Jeremy nodded "Yeah. Yeah-I like him." Jeremy aimed the crossbow at the can when Tyler moved in front of him. "You wanna move out of the way?!"

"I'm a hybrid, Gilbert. You can't kill me unless you cut off my head or rip out my heart. And you're not gonna do it with that lame ass crossbow! Go ahead!! Take a shot! Unless you don't think you can hit me."
Jeremy aims the crossbow and shoots at Tyler. Tyler catches the arrow.

Valerie then shoots him successfully hitting him near the heart. "Guess you're just not fast enough."

Jeremy, Valerie and Tyler walk up to the Gilbert house, Tyler waits outside as the two siblings walk in. Jeremy sits down whilst Valerie walks upstairs to have a shower.

As Valerie dries her hair, loud shouts are heard. She looks out the window to see Jeremy stood in the middle of the road in a trance. She races down the stairs and out the door. "Jeremy? What is he doing??"
Suddenly, a car comes whipping around the corner and speeds towards Jeremy. Alaric and Elena run to him.

Valerie sprints towards him knocking him out the way, letting the car knock her over. "Oh my god! Valerie!" Alaric runs towards her "Valerie!" Alaric and Elena rushed over to her, "We need to get her to a hospital right away!"

Panicking, Elena phoned Damon, "Hel-" Damon got cut off my Elena's trembling voice. "Damon! Omg Valerie's hurt, Valerie Omg she's dying, Damon get here now" she hung up straight away and tried to stop the bleeding in some areas. Jeremy got up after being thrown to the floor by Valerie.

"I don't understand." He then saw Valerie on the floor "Omg is she okay?!" Elena who was now crying answered "Who was that on the phone earlier?" Jeremy remembered "It was Klaus!" Elena exclaimed "You were compelled, Jeremy! We've gotta get her inside- help me!!"

Damon then turned up. "what happened?!" He quickly bit his wrist and fed her his blood. He helped carry her inside and placed her on the sofa. Elena who had calmed down a little knowing she would be safe answered "Jeremy got compelled from Klaus to stand in the road as one of his hybrids ran him over, but Valerie ran out first to save him."

Damon, who was good friends with Valerie grew proud of her, knowing he would do the same for his brother.

Waking up after being knocked out unconscious, Valerie began to cough out blood. Not digesting it properly. It had healed her just enough to keep her alive. She still had injurys and a broken arm. "Elena? Elena!" She called from the Sofa. Elena ran over to her hugging her immediately. "Oh my god, Valerie you're okay." She nodded.

She then, screamed out in pain. She clutched her leg trying to distract herself from the pain in her arm, feeling the broken bone from where the car hit her. "Valerie what's wrong?" Valerie pointed to her arm not being able to move it. Elena looked over to see a her arm bent in an odd direction.

Damon saw it, "we need to take you to the hospital" Valerie who hadn't liked the hospital since the car crash with her parents, shook her head immediately. "No, no I'm okay" she stood up clearly all signs of pain on her face. "See, I'm walking perfectly okay." Damon sighed then looked at her apologetically.

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