Losing Chances

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Valerie was outraged for two reasons. She had just found out Carol was murdered by Klaus. She was also mad because she was left out of everything yesterday.

"So you're telling me that Klaus killed Carol for revenge at Tyler as he got all the hybrids to break their sire bonds?" Damon nodded slightly.

Valerie then let out a breath of air as she sighed. "Glad you left me out of it this time." Damon nodded "me too, Klaus might of killed you." She scoffed. "Unlikely."

Damon raised his eyebrows at her. "What? We all know he has a thing for me." Damon chuckled "don't forget you have a thing for him too, Archer." Valerie grinned at him. "You haven't called me that in ages."

Damon smiled slightly. "Hmm been busy, little one." Valerie glared at him. "I'm not little, you're just ridiculously tall."

Damon watched at she poured herself a drink from their cabinet. "So how are you dealing with the situation with my sister?" Damon sighed. "I don't want to talk about it." Valerie smiled sympathetically, "I'm your best friend Damon, you've got to open up to someone."

Damon huffed out "I said I don't want to talk about it." He slammed his drink down onto the table as he walked out. Valerie frowned at how upset Damon seemed.

She realised he must of let Elena free from the sire bond. She then began to feel incredibly guilty as she left the boarding home.

Before she closed the door she whispered a quiet "I'm sorry Damon." Knowing he could hear her.


A few hours later, Valerie had decided to trek to where she knew Damon and Jeremy were.

She had decided to help kill Vampires, if being a hunter, made you go into killing every vampire you see. She'd rather her do that than her little brother.

When Valerie arrives, Jeremy is putting wooden bullets into a gun, He then hands the gun to Damon who removes the bullets.

"Good. Now, do it like your life depends on it, 'cause it does." Jeremy glared at him "Don't act like you care about my life. You care about the hunter's mark and curing Elena so she's not sired to your ass."

Damon scoffed "Both require you to be alive. Which is why I updated our relationship status to 'it's complicated.' Have you talked to her at all? Elena?"

Jeremy smirked "Maybe. Why? Running out of voicemails to listen to?"

Valerie walked into their view. "Valerie what are you doing here!" Damon shouted at her. "It's dangerous." She simply scoffed. "I'm not letting my brother turn all vampire murderer psychopath by himself." Damon rolled his eyes then huffed out in annoyance.

"Why are you so protective, god." Valerie smirked "so am I going to kill any vampires or not?"

"I think not, Love." Valerie flashed around to see Klaus. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jeremy spat out. "I'm simply appreciating the sights and smells of nature, neither of which presently include rotting vampire flesh, so I'm a bit concerned. How many vampires has he killed?"

Damon glared at Klaus "If we throw Jeremy out into the real world right now, he's chum." Klaus rolled his eyes and continued "Yeah, see, that's not a number. Twelve. That's a number. That's how many of my hybrids I slaughtered with my sword.

Three. That's how many days it took to quell the urge to kill your brother after he knowingly watched as I walked into a death trap. One. That's the number of purposes you serve. You are here to grow Jeremy's mark, so I'll ask again...How many vampires has he killed since he's been here?"

Damon sighed in defeat "Zero." Klaus smirks. "That's a pity. I'm going to need that cure sooner rather than later. Hybrid shortage and all. How can I help?" Valerie smiled at him innocently. "I know how you can help."

He turned to face her and smirked "and how's that love." Her face turned cold and she charged at him shooting bullets out of Damon's gun as she reached out to stake him. His hand grabbed hers before she could stab him.

"You know that wouldn't work anyway, love." Valerie glared at him and pulled out a dagger from her boot and successfully stabbed him in the chest. "That's for Carol Lockwood."

Valerie heard a loud clapping sound and turned to see Damon. "That was badass." Valerie smirked at him. "Tell me something I d-" she was cut off by being flashed to a tree out of Damon's sight.

"That wasn't very kind now was it?" She scoffed "neither was killing Tyler's mum. I was getting justice, but I haven't quite achieved that yet." She struggled against his grip but it was no use. He was 100x stronger than her.

A plan formed in Valerie's head and she decided to use the element of surprise. She leaned close to his face and looked towards his lips.

She smacked her lips onto his as he froze in shock. He moved his grip down to her hips as they made out in the woods. She slowly pulled out the stake she had picked up earlier and went to stab him with it.

Klaus hand shot up and grabbed it. "Nice trick love, but I don't get distracted that easily." She smirked "I think it worked quite well."

"I'm here to help you train." She scoffed "looks like it." She spoke with sarcasm. "I know you, and I know you won't let Jeremy do this by himself. So if I let you, I want you to be able to protect yourself."

Valerie's eyes softened "so you care about me?" Klaus rolled his eyes. "I thought that was obvious." She nodded "it is but it's suprising to hear you say it as you don't express things very well."

Valerie was suddenly squashed to the floor with a stake facing down at her. "Step 1: always keep your look out, otherwise one hit and you're dead."

And that's how training began.

EVERLASTING LOVE ( KLAUS MIKAELSON ) ONEWhere stories live. Discover now