Throwing Up

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Klaus is pouring himself a drink while talking to Caroline, Valerie and Stefan.

"So some blood went missing from a few hospitals. What about Elena? Don't vampires with their humanity off tend to overindulge in human blood, or were you the exception?" He turns to look at Stefan. Stefan shook his head "It's not Elena."

"Well, let's say for a moment that it was Silas. I'm struggling to see how this affects me." Stefan rolled his eyes at him "Look. Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's supernatural, so if he takes the cure and dies, he gets stuck on the Other Side."

Klaus smirked "How Shakespearian."
Stefan continued. "But if he destroys the Other Side altogether, he can take the cure, die, and pass on, but in destroying it, every dead supernatural being will return to our side."

"That means every werewolf, every witch, every vampire. I wonder how many of those you personally killed. Care yet?" Valerie took over. Klaus smiling spoke, "My interest is piqued. How do we stop him?"

Stefan sighed in relief "Bonnie said Silas needs to complete three massacres to do this spell. Before Professor Shane died, he convinced the pastor to blow up the Council. Next, he had you kill your hybrids, and now he only needs one more massacre, so if he's here, that's what he's doing. We need to find him."

It's night-time and the group enter Shane's office and start looking through his stuff.

"What are we even looking for?" Caroline asked. "Well, if Shane really was working with Silas, chances are he was helping him plan his next move." Caroline snorted "Where, on his evil villain to-do list? 'Steal blood, perform 3 massacres, pick up dry cleaning'?"

Valerie laughed at this but Klaus replied "Actually, not to nit-pick, but we evil villains usually use minions to pick up our dry cleaning, that sort of thing." Caroline then spoke to Stefan. "Why is he necessary again?"

"Well, we don't know what Silas can do, so if we do have to go head to head with him, an Original hybrid who can't die might come in handy." Klaus smirked "Besides, Stefan and I work well together, or at least we did in the twenties." Stefan sighed "Well, granted my emotions were off."

Klaus smiled "And that's why you were more fun, just as Damon is probably relishing in Elena's emotionless company in New York."
Stefan frowned "My brother knows what he's doing." Klaus shook his head as he taunted Stefan "Does he? Don't underestimate the allure of darkness, Stefan. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it."

Klaus looked at Valerie as he said this, who looks up from her searching, affected by his words. Stefan laughs him off.

"Still, I'm sure it'll all be fine." Caroline spoke up "I-- I think I found something." She carried a large book over to the desk. "Symbolic Figures in the Dark Arts." Didn't Bonnie talk about Expression Triangles? Here."

She points at a large, intricate drawing of a triangle. Stefan reads from the page opposite. "In some schools of magic such as Expression, human sacrifice can be used as a focus for power. It is rumored that the addition of two supernatural sacrifices compounds the mystical energy, creating an Expression Triangle."

Caroline pointz at a symbol in the drawing "Humans-- that was the council fire." She then points at another symbol. "Demons-- Klaus' hybrid failure." Klaus smirked for about the hundredth time that day. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a failure. What's the third?"

Caroline bringing clasped hands to her mouth. "Oh, no." She said this as she revealed it was witches.

Caroline and Stefan left the room to go and find Bonnie leaving Klaus and Valerie alone.

Valerie, with a ruler and a pen, draws lines on the map while she talks. "There've been two massacres. Pastor Young's farm is here, and the old Lockwood cellar, where you spitefully slaughtered 12 of your own hybrids, is here." She has drawn a line connecting the two locations.

"According to the book, the Expression Triangle is equilateral, putting it here." Valerie draws another two lines, forming a triangle on the map.

"Somebody's been skipping their geometry classes." Valerie frowns and Klaus takes the ruler and pen. "There are actually two places where the third massacre could be." He draws two more lines, forming another triangle opposite of Valerie's.

"Well, you didn't let me finish." They continue to look at each other across the desk when the door opens and Stefan and Caroline enter. "Hey. What's going on? Did you find Bonnie?"

"No, but I talked to her dad. I think I found Silas." Their conversation was cut short by Valerie rushing over to a bin. "Valerie? Oh my god are you okay?" Valerie had thrown up and was feeling really faint.

"You're really pale love, I think you should go home." Valerie shook her head no, but no one agreed with her. "Fine, but you tell me of Bonnie's in trouble."

This was only a short update, just to introduce the short storyline. But this is the fastest I've ever updated.

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